Tuesday, May 6, 2014

My Top 10 Things I Hate at the Movies

        This weeks top to list won't deal with any particular genre of film. Instead it will cover some of my pet peeves when I go top the movies. So I'm gonna give my top 10 things I hate when I'm at the movie as well as a reason why I hate them. So without further ado...

10. Cell phone use

        Ok this one is obvious. Look do I use my phones in a theater yes, but only during previews. Mostly I see people who do it throughout the entire movie and I ask my self why did you spend money to come see a movie if you were just going to be on Facebook or Twitter the entire time. tt just makes absolutely no sense to me

9. Talking 

        This is another obvious one. Look I like to have a good time at the movies with friends and we'll talk but at a silent whisper. But other people feel it's necessary to act like everyone is deaf and talk as loud as possible. It takes my focus off of the movie and makes me want tot punch people in the face.

8. Kissing couples 

        Honestly get a room

7. Not having a movie that I want

        This rarely happens but sometimes I see movie that i really want to watch but can't because my theater doesn't have it. One example is I wanted to see The Wolf of Wall Street so I went to my theater ( I didn't check websites because I was to lazy and it's my own fault) figured that the film was big enough that theater would have but they didn't and instead they had Saving Mr. Banks (which I really loved) so I drove to another town and they did have The Wolf of Wall Street but not Saving Mr. Banks so it kind of irked me that one theater had one film but not the other.

6. Long lines

        All I can say is know what you want when you get to the register and things will go much smoother

5. Broken seats

        Listen I'm a big guy and when I sit in a seat it puts a little pressure on the seats but I have never broken one. But sometimes I go to a theater and I find a great seat and it ends up being somewhat broken and if I sit in it then an  earthquake will occur. Look as a movie theater it is your responsibility to fix things when they're broken not sit around on your tail and be lazy

4. Late arrivals

        Know what time the movie starts and get there about 30 minutes early that way you don't come in late and disrupt everyone else while your trying to find a seat

3. Yelling kids

        This one is very annoying. Listen I pay hard earned money (which I'll get into in a sec) to see a movie and not listen to your kids yelling at the top of their lungs. It's your responsibility as a parent to take care and control your child. Don't just sit there and let the kid continue to act out.

2. The high prices

        This was probably the most obvious. i mean my goodness just for one person it costs $20 for a ticket, drink and popcorn. So if you take you your wife and kids you'll spend $100 at the movies. Now I know it's the economy we live in but my goodness you can't even have a good time without paying out your wazoo.

1. People kicking my seat

        As much as I hate yelling kids this is my biggest pet peeve. Seriously when I when sitting in my seat and I'm comfortable someone comes along, sits behind me and constantly kicks my seat. Now it's mostly that kids that do this so I can't really say anything. But it takes all of my strength and will power not to yell at parents to keep their kids in line.

        So ladies and gentlemen what do you think of my list and what are some of the things that you hate when you go to the movies? Let me know in the comments section and let your voice be heard.

                                                                                                                                         Jonah Sparks

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