So I recently watched Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi and I'm here to bring you my spoiler review. Let me be clear, if you have not seen the film, then please do not read this until you see the movie or if you honestly don't care about spoilers then read on. This is the way this review will go, I will list a lot of the major plot points and what I truly thought about them and what they might mean for the general storyline, plus I'll go over the predictions I've been making for a while So without further ado...

Now let me start off by saying that this film had pulled audiences and critics apart in a lot of ways with the film receiving a lot of criticism from fans for some of the exact things the review will talk about and some are valid points, but some on the other hand are literally hating this film because they were expecting something else to happen and Disney threw a wrench into their plans. I'm all for criticism and if that's you opinion towards the film withe valid points then I understand, but if you hate this movie just because your little fan theory didn't come true then don't talk to me because I will put you down and tell you how wrong you are because that's not a fair criticism of the film and you just need to grow up. With that being said let's move onto the review.
1. Rey's parents revealed
So one of the bigger mysteries coming out of The Force Awakens was who are Rey's parents. Could Luke Skywalker be her dad, could she be a descendant of Obi-Wan Kenobi or could she be the daughter of Han and Leia and be a sister to Kyle Ren without him knowing. All of those seem plausible, but in the end Kylo Ren reveals that her parents were nobodies and that Rey didn't have a part in the overall story of Star Wars. Now while that is a little disappointing, it does make a lot of sense because what this shows is that it's not important who her parents are and it just shows that you can be great at something without having very skilled and highly trained parents and that the force is just stronger in you than in some people. Some have been speculating that maybe Kylo Ren was lying to her just so that her can convince her to turn to the dark side, but Rian Johnson has confirmed that her parents are indeed nobody.
2. Snoke is dead
Besides the mystery of Rey's parents, the next biggest thing was the identity of Supreme Leader Snoke. I myself believed him to be a reincarnation of Darth Plagueis and there and have been countless other theories and most of which you can read online. But just like Rey's parents, it doesn't matter who Snoke is becasue he's dead. Now let me say that I am a little disappointed that we probably won't get to see him in Episode IX, but it makes so much sense story wise for him to out in this film. Most people wanted this film to be a somewhat parallel to The Empire Strikes Back, but in many ways the film mirrors Return of the Jedi more than anything. What I mean is that a dark side leader is killed by his apprentice when he is so cocky and believes everything he says to be true and that he cannot be beat. Also in that the apprentice turns to the other side of the force, but in this one it just makes Kylo Ren stronger. Maybe Snoke will get a better explanation in Episode IX, but if not them I'm ok with it.
3. Luke Dies
I believe we all knew this was going to happen. In Episode VII we lost Han Solo and in Episode VIII we lose Luke Skywalker and the next logical progression would be for Leia to die in Episode IX. For the story it makes sense because it's time for the old generation to pass on the torch to the new generation and the way he goes out is spectacular and it's just a fitting end to one of the greatest heroes of all-time. With that being said I think we'll see Mark Hamill return for Episode IX as a force ghost to help fill the void of Carrie Fisher not being in the film. Had Carrie Fisher not tragically passed away, I don't think Luke would be in the next film, but having him in Episode IX will fit the story as a whole.
4. Benicio Del Toro is a waste
Benicio Del Toro is one of the best actors working in the business today and the news of him being in a Star Wars movie got a lot of people excited and it started a lot of speculation as to who he is and what we got was not at all what we expected. He was given an awful stutter that's fine to be used in other films, but not Star Wars. He comes off as a Roger Rabbit mixed with Garrett Hunland's performance in Pan and that doesn't make for a good combination. However when he doesn't stutter he does come off as menacing and he brings up a lot of good points. Hopefully he can correct the stutter if we see him on Episode IX.
5. Canto Bight was a waste
Leading up to the release of the film, a lot of people were looking forward to seeing the casino planet Canto Bight and how it would play into the story as a whole. What we got was a lot of filler material and a lot of unnecessary comedy. Sure the scenes look gorgeous and it really did show off how good the production design, costume design and makeup and hair styling team really were in this film. I did like the fact that we got to see the rich side of the galaxy and how they act and that could play a big part in Episode IX.
6. Captain Phasma was a waste
I guess you can see a trend in the way a lot of things played out in this film. Before Episode VII we thought Captain Phasma was going to be this huge force in the films that would be an awesome character and instead she's relegated to I believe 10 minutes of screen time and she ends up being sent down a garbage shute and that left a lot of people upset, but hopeful for her return in Episode VIII. Leading up to this film we were promised Phasma was going to be a bigger part in the film and instead she is relegated to 5 minutes of screen time and ends up falling into a fiery pit of death. I just think they wanted to add a female villain for the sake of adding a female villain and didn't really know what to do with her. Now while we did see her fall into the fiery pit for her presumed death, we get an earlier shot of Rose shooting Phasma and the bullet bounced right off of her. If her armor is string enough to reflect bullets, it might be strong enough to fight fire and maybe we get to see her in Episode IX with a much bigger role.
7. Leia uses the force
The one true thing we'd never seen in a Star Wars film was Leia using the force and it was shocking considering who her father and brother are. We'd seen hints of it in Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi and The Force Awakens, but nothing like what we got in this film. For a moment Leia is presumed dead after being blasted out of the bridge on her ship. As she is floating adrift in space she wakes up and is able to fly back to the ship just in time to receive medical attention. Now it did seem a little corny in the way it was shot and executed, but it was nice to see just how string in the force she truly is and it kinda upsets me that we never got to see her fully embrace those power with a lightsaber.
8. Yoda!!!!!!
This had been apart of a lot of speculation after this past years Star Wars celebration when Frank Oz was hanging around a lot. The way he was used in the film was perfect and he really was speaking to us as fans when he reminds Luke of passing on what you have learned. It was what Luke needed to hear in order for him to reconnect back with the force to help be the spark that the resistance needs to help win the war. I don't think this is the last time we'll see Yoda or any previous Jedi as force ghost and I think we'll get a few more in Episode IX as Rey moves forward teaching a new group of Jedi.
There were a lot of great moments and great characters in this film and I completely understand each criticism. But the point of the fact is that just because your theory or prediction didn't come true doesn't give you the right to mock someone for liking the film. It's fine to hate the film,b ut not other people and if this film upset you that much then don't go watch Episode IX or any other future Star Wars film if you're going to bring that nasty attitude with you. if you have a problem with the film be civil about it and have a great and intelligent discussion. I love this film so much and I'm glad it took the risks that it did. Now granted this isn't a typical spoiler review, but this is the only way I knew how to do it and I just really wanted to talk about the big topics that everyone was talking about. I hope you all enjoyed the review, leave me you thoughts in the comment section below and may the force be with you.
Jonah Sparks

Now let me start off by saying that this film had pulled audiences and critics apart in a lot of ways with the film receiving a lot of criticism from fans for some of the exact things the review will talk about and some are valid points, but some on the other hand are literally hating this film because they were expecting something else to happen and Disney threw a wrench into their plans. I'm all for criticism and if that's you opinion towards the film withe valid points then I understand, but if you hate this movie just because your little fan theory didn't come true then don't talk to me because I will put you down and tell you how wrong you are because that's not a fair criticism of the film and you just need to grow up. With that being said let's move onto the review.
1. Rey's parents revealed
So one of the bigger mysteries coming out of The Force Awakens was who are Rey's parents. Could Luke Skywalker be her dad, could she be a descendant of Obi-Wan Kenobi or could she be the daughter of Han and Leia and be a sister to Kyle Ren without him knowing. All of those seem plausible, but in the end Kylo Ren reveals that her parents were nobodies and that Rey didn't have a part in the overall story of Star Wars. Now while that is a little disappointing, it does make a lot of sense because what this shows is that it's not important who her parents are and it just shows that you can be great at something without having very skilled and highly trained parents and that the force is just stronger in you than in some people. Some have been speculating that maybe Kylo Ren was lying to her just so that her can convince her to turn to the dark side, but Rian Johnson has confirmed that her parents are indeed nobody.
2. Snoke is dead
Besides the mystery of Rey's parents, the next biggest thing was the identity of Supreme Leader Snoke. I myself believed him to be a reincarnation of Darth Plagueis and there and have been countless other theories and most of which you can read online. But just like Rey's parents, it doesn't matter who Snoke is becasue he's dead. Now let me say that I am a little disappointed that we probably won't get to see him in Episode IX, but it makes so much sense story wise for him to out in this film. Most people wanted this film to be a somewhat parallel to The Empire Strikes Back, but in many ways the film mirrors Return of the Jedi more than anything. What I mean is that a dark side leader is killed by his apprentice when he is so cocky and believes everything he says to be true and that he cannot be beat. Also in that the apprentice turns to the other side of the force, but in this one it just makes Kylo Ren stronger. Maybe Snoke will get a better explanation in Episode IX, but if not them I'm ok with it.
3. Luke Dies
I believe we all knew this was going to happen. In Episode VII we lost Han Solo and in Episode VIII we lose Luke Skywalker and the next logical progression would be for Leia to die in Episode IX. For the story it makes sense because it's time for the old generation to pass on the torch to the new generation and the way he goes out is spectacular and it's just a fitting end to one of the greatest heroes of all-time. With that being said I think we'll see Mark Hamill return for Episode IX as a force ghost to help fill the void of Carrie Fisher not being in the film. Had Carrie Fisher not tragically passed away, I don't think Luke would be in the next film, but having him in Episode IX will fit the story as a whole.
4. Benicio Del Toro is a waste
Benicio Del Toro is one of the best actors working in the business today and the news of him being in a Star Wars movie got a lot of people excited and it started a lot of speculation as to who he is and what we got was not at all what we expected. He was given an awful stutter that's fine to be used in other films, but not Star Wars. He comes off as a Roger Rabbit mixed with Garrett Hunland's performance in Pan and that doesn't make for a good combination. However when he doesn't stutter he does come off as menacing and he brings up a lot of good points. Hopefully he can correct the stutter if we see him on Episode IX.
5. Canto Bight was a waste
Leading up to the release of the film, a lot of people were looking forward to seeing the casino planet Canto Bight and how it would play into the story as a whole. What we got was a lot of filler material and a lot of unnecessary comedy. Sure the scenes look gorgeous and it really did show off how good the production design, costume design and makeup and hair styling team really were in this film. I did like the fact that we got to see the rich side of the galaxy and how they act and that could play a big part in Episode IX.
6. Captain Phasma was a waste
I guess you can see a trend in the way a lot of things played out in this film. Before Episode VII we thought Captain Phasma was going to be this huge force in the films that would be an awesome character and instead she's relegated to I believe 10 minutes of screen time and she ends up being sent down a garbage shute and that left a lot of people upset, but hopeful for her return in Episode VIII. Leading up to this film we were promised Phasma was going to be a bigger part in the film and instead she is relegated to 5 minutes of screen time and ends up falling into a fiery pit of death. I just think they wanted to add a female villain for the sake of adding a female villain and didn't really know what to do with her. Now while we did see her fall into the fiery pit for her presumed death, we get an earlier shot of Rose shooting Phasma and the bullet bounced right off of her. If her armor is string enough to reflect bullets, it might be strong enough to fight fire and maybe we get to see her in Episode IX with a much bigger role.
7. Leia uses the force
The one true thing we'd never seen in a Star Wars film was Leia using the force and it was shocking considering who her father and brother are. We'd seen hints of it in Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi and The Force Awakens, but nothing like what we got in this film. For a moment Leia is presumed dead after being blasted out of the bridge on her ship. As she is floating adrift in space she wakes up and is able to fly back to the ship just in time to receive medical attention. Now it did seem a little corny in the way it was shot and executed, but it was nice to see just how string in the force she truly is and it kinda upsets me that we never got to see her fully embrace those power with a lightsaber.
8. Yoda!!!!!!
This had been apart of a lot of speculation after this past years Star Wars celebration when Frank Oz was hanging around a lot. The way he was used in the film was perfect and he really was speaking to us as fans when he reminds Luke of passing on what you have learned. It was what Luke needed to hear in order for him to reconnect back with the force to help be the spark that the resistance needs to help win the war. I don't think this is the last time we'll see Yoda or any previous Jedi as force ghost and I think we'll get a few more in Episode IX as Rey moves forward teaching a new group of Jedi.
There were a lot of great moments and great characters in this film and I completely understand each criticism. But the point of the fact is that just because your theory or prediction didn't come true doesn't give you the right to mock someone for liking the film. It's fine to hate the film,b ut not other people and if this film upset you that much then don't go watch Episode IX or any other future Star Wars film if you're going to bring that nasty attitude with you. if you have a problem with the film be civil about it and have a great and intelligent discussion. I love this film so much and I'm glad it took the risks that it did. Now granted this isn't a typical spoiler review, but this is the only way I knew how to do it and I just really wanted to talk about the big topics that everyone was talking about. I hope you all enjoyed the review, leave me you thoughts in the comment section below and may the force be with you.
Jonah Sparks
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