As a lot of you all know, I am a massive Star Wars fan and from the moment Episode VII was announced, I have been anticipating for the day it comes to theaters. We are now less than 2 weeks away form the release date and my excitement is through the roof. Every trailer and tv spot that has been released has been fantastic and I don't know if I can't any longer. However, with all of those tv spots and trailers there are still a lot of unanswered questions. With that being said I'm going to bring you my top 10 unanswered questions for Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens. So without further ado...

10. Where is Luke Skywalker?
Now I know a lot of you are surprised this is so low on the list. Honestly I'm not to worried about where Luke is in the marketing campaign. JJ Abrams and Kathleen Kennedy have a plan in place for the film and the rest of new trilogy and it may revolve around Luke. Now all of the films in the franchise have all been based around the Skywalkers and these films will be no different. I think we'll see Luke in the last 30 minutes of the film and his reveal is going to be fantastic when it's seen on the big screen.
9. Is Luke Evil?
This is a rumor that has really started to irritated me every time I hear it. I personally believe that Luke is not evil. Now there is a small possibility and there are a few things that support the argument, but I don't think he will be evil. The original trilogy was based around Luke becoming a Jedi and destroying the Empire so why would he all of a sudden join the dark side after spending three movies trying to stop them. Oh and for those wondering Adam Driver is playing Kylo Ren and it's not Luke underneath the mask, yes I have to say that because people 100% believe that Luke is Kylo Ren and they forget that Adam Driver is in the film.
8. Did Luke create the Knights of Ren?
This is a rumor that I fully believe. I feel that after the events of Return of the Jedi, Luke went on a search for a small number of force sensitive people and decided to train them to create a new Jedi Order and maintain their status as the Guardians of Peace. During their training, Supreme Leader Snoke attacked the new Jedi temple and turned the Knights of Ren against Luke forcing him to flee and go into hiding (this also goes with one of the other questions I am going to ask later). I believe the robotic arm we see in the 2nd trailer is Luke with R2-D2 telling him goodbye before he goes into hiding.
7. Why does C-3PO have a read arm?
Ok now I know this isn't a pressing issue, but it's still a question that needs to be asked. The trademark of 3PO is that he is pure gold and seeing him with a red arm is something that is going to some time to get used to. I have two theories as to why he has the red arm. One is that maybe the new resistance was trying to flee their base and some debris fell and it destroyed his arm and they had to replace it. Number two is a little more funny and it could that 3PO and Chewbacca were playing the game from Episode IV and Chewbacca felt compelled to pull 3PO's arm out of his socket. Either way it'll be interesting to see why he has the new arm.
6. What is Captain Phasma's backstory?
Captain Phasma is played by Gwendoline Christie and she has been a character that we've not heard a lot about in any interview, trailer or spot so she is a very mysterious figure in the universe. I personally think she will be the Boba Fett of this new trilogy and unlike Boba Fett she is aligned with the First Order to begin with. As for her backstory and how she became apart of the First Order could be an interesting one and I personally think she is the child of Boab Fett and that's why she works for the dark side. This is theory that I'm totally guessing on, but I would love to hear her backstory.
5. What is the Starkiller Base?
This is a question that can be answered very easily as it is the new "Death Star" of this trilogy. But one thing still puzzles me and that's whether or not it is an actual base on a planet or if the base is the entire planet and the snowy exterior just helps disguise the fact that the planet is a base. From what I gather the base is inside the planet and that the snowy exterior is just a planet they've colonized and mine out to have a layer of protection. I think that's more likely than my prediction, but we just have to wait and see.
4. Why does Kylo Ren have Darth Vader's helmet?
There has been a lot of speculation as to who Kylo Ren was talking to in the third trailer and some thought he was talking to Vader's helmet and that was officially confirmed by a photo that one of the entertainment trades released so this isn't a spoiler. Now the question is why does he have the helmet to begin with and how did he get it. I mean the last time we saw Vader's helmet, his body was being burned with his suit on Endor at the end of Episdoe VI so the only way he could've gotten it is by traveling to Endor, slaughtering a mass amount of Ewoks and capturing the helmet. Kylo Ren has also been theorized as a relic hunter so it would make sense to get the ultimate sith relic. He could've also gotten it because it might be his grandfather's (I'll explain in little bit).
3. Which main character will die?
This is a question that has been asked by a lot of people including myself. Now I have said for a long time that Han was going to die and I still believe that still mainly because Harrison Ford hates the character of Han Solo and he wanted him to die at the end of The Empire Strikes Back, but George Lucas convinced him to finish the story and he only came back for this film becasue the script was too good to pass up. There is however a little bit of evidence that could go against my prediction such as who Rey is crying over in the 3rd trailer. Some people say that they see fur in which case Chewbacca is dead, but I propose another theory. What if Rey is crying over Chewbacca, but not becasue of Chewbacca being dead, but that she is consoling Chewbacca as he mourns the death of Han. I've not heard anybody mention this and it might be true and it might not, but that's the fun of speculation.
2. Who is Supreme Leader Snoke?
This is the character that Andy Serkis is playing, but little to nothing is known about the character. We know that he's the leader of the Knights of Ren and that's about it. I've said for a long time that Andy Serkis is playing a motion capture character (which is true) and that he is playing Darth Plagueis the Wise. For those that don't know who that is, he is the one that Chancellor/Emperor Palpatine talks bout in Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith. His main ability was that he was able to manipulate the force to save the lives of the ones he loved, but Palpatine killed him in his sleep so he wasn't able to save himself, or so we thought. There is a theory that Palpatine only thought he had killed him and in fact Plagueis survived, but he has been dormant for a long time until... The Force Awakens. The working title for Episode VII was The Ancient Fear which basically told you he was back without really telling you. When the title changed to the current one, many still believe that the reason why the force is awakening is because something has come back to wreck havoc and that would be Darth Plagueis. A lot of hints lead toward this as Rey's weapon of choice is a staff that looks a lot like Plagueis's staff and in the third trailer we see the Knights of Ren huddled together and in the background you can see a small figure (about Andy Serkis's height) with a staff and many believe that that is Snoke aka Darth Plagueis. This is one I may very well be wrong about, but I hope that it comes true.
1. What is the relationship between Kylo Ren and Rey?
A lot of you are probably saying to yourself right now "why is this a question, one's evil and the other is good right?" Well yes that is true, but they have a connection. I believe that Kylo Ren and Rey are the film versions of Jacen and Jaina Solo. For those that don't know, Jacen and Jaina are the twin children of Han and Leia in the now non-cannon novels. Jacen was turned to the Dark Side and became known as Darth Caedus. Since we aren't getting those names specifically, I still think they are brother and sister. Now how does this fit with the other questions I have that are unanswered. Well if we go with Luke creating the Knights of Ren, he asked Han and Leia if he could train Kylo Ren to become like him and not involve Rey and making her more of a Leia/Han type. After Kylo Ren is captured (like Jacen Solo was in the novels) he is turned to the dark side and since he lost his nephew to the dark side Luke wanted to go into hiding. Knowing the First Order will come after them, Han and Leia decided that it would be best to hide Rey from her brother. Han takes her to Jakku and leaves her with a new family, but he would watch from a distance and helping her when he needed to. Then once they are reunited, they head back to Leia and when we see Han and Leia hug in the trailer, they are finally seeing each other for the first time in a long time. Now that's just my theory and this is one that I want to be true because I think exploring the twin story would be fascinating and it would help create an arch to last the entire trilogy.
So ladies and gentlemen what are some of the unanswered questions you have and what do you think of the questions I have? Let me know in the comments section below and let your voice be heard.
Jonah Sparks

10. Where is Luke Skywalker?
Now I know a lot of you are surprised this is so low on the list. Honestly I'm not to worried about where Luke is in the marketing campaign. JJ Abrams and Kathleen Kennedy have a plan in place for the film and the rest of new trilogy and it may revolve around Luke. Now all of the films in the franchise have all been based around the Skywalkers and these films will be no different. I think we'll see Luke in the last 30 minutes of the film and his reveal is going to be fantastic when it's seen on the big screen.
9. Is Luke Evil?
This is a rumor that has really started to irritated me every time I hear it. I personally believe that Luke is not evil. Now there is a small possibility and there are a few things that support the argument, but I don't think he will be evil. The original trilogy was based around Luke becoming a Jedi and destroying the Empire so why would he all of a sudden join the dark side after spending three movies trying to stop them. Oh and for those wondering Adam Driver is playing Kylo Ren and it's not Luke underneath the mask, yes I have to say that because people 100% believe that Luke is Kylo Ren and they forget that Adam Driver is in the film.
8. Did Luke create the Knights of Ren?
This is a rumor that I fully believe. I feel that after the events of Return of the Jedi, Luke went on a search for a small number of force sensitive people and decided to train them to create a new Jedi Order and maintain their status as the Guardians of Peace. During their training, Supreme Leader Snoke attacked the new Jedi temple and turned the Knights of Ren against Luke forcing him to flee and go into hiding (this also goes with one of the other questions I am going to ask later). I believe the robotic arm we see in the 2nd trailer is Luke with R2-D2 telling him goodbye before he goes into hiding.
7. Why does C-3PO have a read arm?
Ok now I know this isn't a pressing issue, but it's still a question that needs to be asked. The trademark of 3PO is that he is pure gold and seeing him with a red arm is something that is going to some time to get used to. I have two theories as to why he has the red arm. One is that maybe the new resistance was trying to flee their base and some debris fell and it destroyed his arm and they had to replace it. Number two is a little more funny and it could that 3PO and Chewbacca were playing the game from Episode IV and Chewbacca felt compelled to pull 3PO's arm out of his socket. Either way it'll be interesting to see why he has the new arm.
6. What is Captain Phasma's backstory?
Captain Phasma is played by Gwendoline Christie and she has been a character that we've not heard a lot about in any interview, trailer or spot so she is a very mysterious figure in the universe. I personally think she will be the Boba Fett of this new trilogy and unlike Boba Fett she is aligned with the First Order to begin with. As for her backstory and how she became apart of the First Order could be an interesting one and I personally think she is the child of Boab Fett and that's why she works for the dark side. This is theory that I'm totally guessing on, but I would love to hear her backstory.
5. What is the Starkiller Base?
This is a question that can be answered very easily as it is the new "Death Star" of this trilogy. But one thing still puzzles me and that's whether or not it is an actual base on a planet or if the base is the entire planet and the snowy exterior just helps disguise the fact that the planet is a base. From what I gather the base is inside the planet and that the snowy exterior is just a planet they've colonized and mine out to have a layer of protection. I think that's more likely than my prediction, but we just have to wait and see.
4. Why does Kylo Ren have Darth Vader's helmet?
There has been a lot of speculation as to who Kylo Ren was talking to in the third trailer and some thought he was talking to Vader's helmet and that was officially confirmed by a photo that one of the entertainment trades released so this isn't a spoiler. Now the question is why does he have the helmet to begin with and how did he get it. I mean the last time we saw Vader's helmet, his body was being burned with his suit on Endor at the end of Episdoe VI so the only way he could've gotten it is by traveling to Endor, slaughtering a mass amount of Ewoks and capturing the helmet. Kylo Ren has also been theorized as a relic hunter so it would make sense to get the ultimate sith relic. He could've also gotten it because it might be his grandfather's (I'll explain in little bit).
3. Which main character will die?
This is a question that has been asked by a lot of people including myself. Now I have said for a long time that Han was going to die and I still believe that still mainly because Harrison Ford hates the character of Han Solo and he wanted him to die at the end of The Empire Strikes Back, but George Lucas convinced him to finish the story and he only came back for this film becasue the script was too good to pass up. There is however a little bit of evidence that could go against my prediction such as who Rey is crying over in the 3rd trailer. Some people say that they see fur in which case Chewbacca is dead, but I propose another theory. What if Rey is crying over Chewbacca, but not becasue of Chewbacca being dead, but that she is consoling Chewbacca as he mourns the death of Han. I've not heard anybody mention this and it might be true and it might not, but that's the fun of speculation.
2. Who is Supreme Leader Snoke?
This is the character that Andy Serkis is playing, but little to nothing is known about the character. We know that he's the leader of the Knights of Ren and that's about it. I've said for a long time that Andy Serkis is playing a motion capture character (which is true) and that he is playing Darth Plagueis the Wise. For those that don't know who that is, he is the one that Chancellor/Emperor Palpatine talks bout in Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith. His main ability was that he was able to manipulate the force to save the lives of the ones he loved, but Palpatine killed him in his sleep so he wasn't able to save himself, or so we thought. There is a theory that Palpatine only thought he had killed him and in fact Plagueis survived, but he has been dormant for a long time until... The Force Awakens. The working title for Episode VII was The Ancient Fear which basically told you he was back without really telling you. When the title changed to the current one, many still believe that the reason why the force is awakening is because something has come back to wreck havoc and that would be Darth Plagueis. A lot of hints lead toward this as Rey's weapon of choice is a staff that looks a lot like Plagueis's staff and in the third trailer we see the Knights of Ren huddled together and in the background you can see a small figure (about Andy Serkis's height) with a staff and many believe that that is Snoke aka Darth Plagueis. This is one I may very well be wrong about, but I hope that it comes true.
1. What is the relationship between Kylo Ren and Rey?
A lot of you are probably saying to yourself right now "why is this a question, one's evil and the other is good right?" Well yes that is true, but they have a connection. I believe that Kylo Ren and Rey are the film versions of Jacen and Jaina Solo. For those that don't know, Jacen and Jaina are the twin children of Han and Leia in the now non-cannon novels. Jacen was turned to the Dark Side and became known as Darth Caedus. Since we aren't getting those names specifically, I still think they are brother and sister. Now how does this fit with the other questions I have that are unanswered. Well if we go with Luke creating the Knights of Ren, he asked Han and Leia if he could train Kylo Ren to become like him and not involve Rey and making her more of a Leia/Han type. After Kylo Ren is captured (like Jacen Solo was in the novels) he is turned to the dark side and since he lost his nephew to the dark side Luke wanted to go into hiding. Knowing the First Order will come after them, Han and Leia decided that it would be best to hide Rey from her brother. Han takes her to Jakku and leaves her with a new family, but he would watch from a distance and helping her when he needed to. Then once they are reunited, they head back to Leia and when we see Han and Leia hug in the trailer, they are finally seeing each other for the first time in a long time. Now that's just my theory and this is one that I want to be true because I think exploring the twin story would be fascinating and it would help create an arch to last the entire trilogy.
So ladies and gentlemen what are some of the unanswered questions you have and what do you think of the questions I have? Let me know in the comments section below and let your voice be heard.
Jonah Sparks
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