Well ladies and gentlemen it's that time of the year where I reflect on the of 2015 in movies and we see what films made me want to stop doing the blog all together and some where I wanted to punch someone in the face. Out of the 168 films I've seen this year, these films have the honor of being torn apart and never to be heard of again. With that being said I'm going to bring you my top 10 least favorite films of 2015 and the reasons why I hated each film and why they are on my list. So without further ado...
10. The Loft

This was a film when it was first announced that got a lot of people interested due to the magnificent ensemble for a cast and the story itself sounded interesting. However it's an offensive film to both men and women. It's also predictable from beginning to end and the ending itself could be considered quite possibly one of the worst endings of all-time. The sad thing is that the film was supposed to come out last December and was positioned to possibly be an Oscar contender and instead ends up on my list of least favorite films.
9. Mortdecai

Being a fan of Johnny Depp has been rough over the past couple of years due to the fact he has made some really terrible films and this one of the films you can add to that list. It's just so ridiculous that you can't believe Johnny Depp or for that matter any of the cast signed on to the movie. The film tries to be funny and it just isn't and it was also an attempt to capitalize of a series of books and with the poor results of this film, we can all breath a easily knowing that the films will stop with this one. Congrats Johnny Depp you give one of the worst performances of the year in this and give one of the best in Black Mass, I just wish you would choose which one suits you the best.
8. Taken 3

I hope the tagline for the film is true because I don't want to see another film in the franchise. The film was made for one reason and one reason only and that's because Taken 2 was financially successful. I mean this film tries to do what The Hangover franchise did in the sense that they made a great original film, then a complete repeat and unnecessary film and now the third film tries to do something different that fails. Liam Neeson is a great actor, but he deserves to do something else that's better and hopefully we'll see that with his film Silence set to hit theaters next year.
7. Unfinished Business

When you get Vince Vaughn, Dave Franco and Tom Wilkinson in a film together you expect at least a decent attempt to make a good film and instead you end up on this list. I mean you rarely get a collection of talent like this in a film and if you do then you should try your hardest to make a good film. The film has some of the worst and most offensive jokes ever heard on film and it literally makes you as an audience member stupider as each minute goes by. Excuse me as I tend to finish some unfinished business in the bathroom because that would be more entertaining then having to sit through this film again.
6. Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Road Chip

Alvin and the Chipmunks are very special in the history of pop culture and seeing them on the big screen is a treat, unless that treat is an exploding pile of crap that hits you in face while walking down the street. The film has no cohesiveness to it, no plot, no good jokes (unless you like fart, poop and pee jokes for 90 minutes). Even the animation of the chipmunks just feels off compared to the other films in the franchise and Jason Lee is virtually trapped in this franchise and hopefully he can find a way out because his talents can be used in wide variety of ways outside of the franchise.
5. The Longest Ride

Have you ever seen a movie so many times that you know every little detail before it happens? Well that's how I feel about this film eventhough I've only seen it once, but because Nicholas Sparks writes the same boring novels that have the same characters and the one constant theme that at least one person dies possibly due to cancer. The acting and writing in and for this film are just atrocious and it's sad to see someone like Alan Alda in such a terrible film and waste the talent of Britt Robertson.
4. Paul Blart: Mall Cop 2

You know the definition of insanity? The one that says you do the same things over and over again and expect different results everytime. Well that's what you get with this film as it is literally the same film as the first film just in a different location and with a really stupid title. Basically this film was a paid vacation to Las Vegas for everyone involved because this film has nothing redeemable about it and it tries way too hard to make things that aren't funny funny. Kevin James does what he always does and that's be the stupid fat guy (I'm fat so I can say that) that falls down every time and try to make it seem like a big joke when it's just sad and pathetic. As for the title, there was no need for them to use the number two and a subtitle of some sort would have sufficed.
3. Jem and the Holograms

You know you're film is bad when the film was only in theaters for two weeks before being pulled by the studio and I'm not kidding. The film had an opening weekend of $1.3 million and a two-week worldwide total of $2.1 million. It was bad idea from the start and to make a film on a property that not a lot of people in today's current moviegoing audience have ever heard of Jem and the Holograms and then to completely ignore the built-in fanbase you had by making the film not even have a little resemblance to the cartoon show. The fact that director Jon M. Chu decided that this was a better option than to direct a Masters of the Universe film should tell you how stupid he is and it's one of the factors that made me so glad to see the film fail miserably.
2. Hot Pursuit

This for the longest time was my least favorite film of the year and for good reason too. There was one film that ended up beating it, but we'll get to that in a little bit. This film however is just so stupid and not funny one bit. It's sad to see Reese Witherspoon who at the time was coming another Oscar nomination for Wild and to see her in this film just amazed me and it's puzzling as to why she would do a film like this. I also know Sophia Vergara is Colombian and she can't help it she has that terrible accent, but my God it's so annoying and you can't focus on the film because the entire time she is either screaming at the top of her lungs or she is complaining about something stupid on screen. This a complete disaster and I hope to never hear about this film ever again.
1. Point Break (2015)

As I mentioned with Hot Pursuit, I didn't think it was possible for a film to be as bad or possibly even worse and wouldn't you that it took til the end of the year for me to find that one film. I'm a huge fan of the original Point Break and this film doesn't do that film any justice whatsoever and it basically mocks everything the first film was about. Luke Bracey is a terrible actor and he just made the film so much more unwatchable than it already was. He just looks and sounds like he doesn't even know what he is doing in the film. Edgar Ramirez and Ray Winstone are wasted in this film and the film is basically an advertisement for extreme sports and it may give you or your children the thought that you might be able to do these stunts, but in reality you can't and won't so don't try it. This was one of the more tougher films to watch due to my love for the first film and the fact that this film embarrasses itself.
So ladies and gentlemen what are some of your least favorite films of 2015 and what do you think of my list? Let me know in the comments section below and let your voice be heard.
Jonah Sparks
10. The Loft

This was a film when it was first announced that got a lot of people interested due to the magnificent ensemble for a cast and the story itself sounded interesting. However it's an offensive film to both men and women. It's also predictable from beginning to end and the ending itself could be considered quite possibly one of the worst endings of all-time. The sad thing is that the film was supposed to come out last December and was positioned to possibly be an Oscar contender and instead ends up on my list of least favorite films.
9. Mortdecai

Being a fan of Johnny Depp has been rough over the past couple of years due to the fact he has made some really terrible films and this one of the films you can add to that list. It's just so ridiculous that you can't believe Johnny Depp or for that matter any of the cast signed on to the movie. The film tries to be funny and it just isn't and it was also an attempt to capitalize of a series of books and with the poor results of this film, we can all breath a easily knowing that the films will stop with this one. Congrats Johnny Depp you give one of the worst performances of the year in this and give one of the best in Black Mass, I just wish you would choose which one suits you the best.
8. Taken 3

I hope the tagline for the film is true because I don't want to see another film in the franchise. The film was made for one reason and one reason only and that's because Taken 2 was financially successful. I mean this film tries to do what The Hangover franchise did in the sense that they made a great original film, then a complete repeat and unnecessary film and now the third film tries to do something different that fails. Liam Neeson is a great actor, but he deserves to do something else that's better and hopefully we'll see that with his film Silence set to hit theaters next year.
7. Unfinished Business

When you get Vince Vaughn, Dave Franco and Tom Wilkinson in a film together you expect at least a decent attempt to make a good film and instead you end up on this list. I mean you rarely get a collection of talent like this in a film and if you do then you should try your hardest to make a good film. The film has some of the worst and most offensive jokes ever heard on film and it literally makes you as an audience member stupider as each minute goes by. Excuse me as I tend to finish some unfinished business in the bathroom because that would be more entertaining then having to sit through this film again.
6. Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Road Chip

Alvin and the Chipmunks are very special in the history of pop culture and seeing them on the big screen is a treat, unless that treat is an exploding pile of crap that hits you in face while walking down the street. The film has no cohesiveness to it, no plot, no good jokes (unless you like fart, poop and pee jokes for 90 minutes). Even the animation of the chipmunks just feels off compared to the other films in the franchise and Jason Lee is virtually trapped in this franchise and hopefully he can find a way out because his talents can be used in wide variety of ways outside of the franchise.
5. The Longest Ride

Have you ever seen a movie so many times that you know every little detail before it happens? Well that's how I feel about this film eventhough I've only seen it once, but because Nicholas Sparks writes the same boring novels that have the same characters and the one constant theme that at least one person dies possibly due to cancer. The acting and writing in and for this film are just atrocious and it's sad to see someone like Alan Alda in such a terrible film and waste the talent of Britt Robertson.
4. Paul Blart: Mall Cop 2

You know the definition of insanity? The one that says you do the same things over and over again and expect different results everytime. Well that's what you get with this film as it is literally the same film as the first film just in a different location and with a really stupid title. Basically this film was a paid vacation to Las Vegas for everyone involved because this film has nothing redeemable about it and it tries way too hard to make things that aren't funny funny. Kevin James does what he always does and that's be the stupid fat guy (I'm fat so I can say that) that falls down every time and try to make it seem like a big joke when it's just sad and pathetic. As for the title, there was no need for them to use the number two and a subtitle of some sort would have sufficed.
3. Jem and the Holograms

You know you're film is bad when the film was only in theaters for two weeks before being pulled by the studio and I'm not kidding. The film had an opening weekend of $1.3 million and a two-week worldwide total of $2.1 million. It was bad idea from the start and to make a film on a property that not a lot of people in today's current moviegoing audience have ever heard of Jem and the Holograms and then to completely ignore the built-in fanbase you had by making the film not even have a little resemblance to the cartoon show. The fact that director Jon M. Chu decided that this was a better option than to direct a Masters of the Universe film should tell you how stupid he is and it's one of the factors that made me so glad to see the film fail miserably.
2. Hot Pursuit

This for the longest time was my least favorite film of the year and for good reason too. There was one film that ended up beating it, but we'll get to that in a little bit. This film however is just so stupid and not funny one bit. It's sad to see Reese Witherspoon who at the time was coming another Oscar nomination for Wild and to see her in this film just amazed me and it's puzzling as to why she would do a film like this. I also know Sophia Vergara is Colombian and she can't help it she has that terrible accent, but my God it's so annoying and you can't focus on the film because the entire time she is either screaming at the top of her lungs or she is complaining about something stupid on screen. This a complete disaster and I hope to never hear about this film ever again.
1. Point Break (2015)

As I mentioned with Hot Pursuit, I didn't think it was possible for a film to be as bad or possibly even worse and wouldn't you that it took til the end of the year for me to find that one film. I'm a huge fan of the original Point Break and this film doesn't do that film any justice whatsoever and it basically mocks everything the first film was about. Luke Bracey is a terrible actor and he just made the film so much more unwatchable than it already was. He just looks and sounds like he doesn't even know what he is doing in the film. Edgar Ramirez and Ray Winstone are wasted in this film and the film is basically an advertisement for extreme sports and it may give you or your children the thought that you might be able to do these stunts, but in reality you can't and won't so don't try it. This was one of the more tougher films to watch due to my love for the first film and the fact that this film embarrasses itself.
So ladies and gentlemen what are some of your least favorite films of 2015 and what do you think of my list? Let me know in the comments section below and let your voice be heard.
Jonah Sparks
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