With the first half of the year over with, I thought it would be fitting to look forward to rest of 2015. With that being said I'm going to bring you my top 10 most anticipated films for the 2nd half of 2015. Now some films do not yet have posters or trailers, but I will update them as soon as they are released. So without further ado...
10. The Green Inferno- September 24th, 2015 Rating: R

I'm a huge Eli Roth fan and I'm glad that this film is getting released after having a studio not being able financially back the film. The trailers for the film have me freaked out and listen if you're not a fan of Eli Roth's films then you probably won't watch or love this movie as much as I will. This very well may be his bloodiest and horrific film to date.
9. Creed- November 25th, 2015 Rating: Not Yet Rated

I'm a huge fan of the Rocky franchise and this film has been in the works for a really long time. Michael B. Jordan is the perfect choice to play Apollo Creed's son and I love seeing Sylvester Stallone come back as Rocky. I'm also really interested in the film because of Ryan Coogler who directed Michael B. Jordan in Fruitvale Station and while this film won't be as dark or depressing as that film, it still has some of that films elements and I'm going to enjoy all of the call backs to the Rocky franchise
8. The Fantastic Four- August 7th, 2015 Rating: PG-13

This film has already received a lot of criticism and it hasn't even been released in theaters yet. I however haven't been one of those people and I have supported this film from the get go. It looks gritty and more realistic than the other two Fantastic Four films which were just dreadful. Now recently there has been some behind scenes news concerning director Josh Trank, but honestly I don't care about that stuff unless it effects the film itself. I'm hoping that this film doesn't let me down after all of the support I have given it.
7. Straight Outta Compton August 15th, 2015 Rating: R

Being a fan of N.W.A., I never knew the story of how they came to be other than some people in the group. The film is going to show a lot of things that our nation is going through at this current moment. We all need to see to this movie and let us that history repeats itself. Maybe if we learnt that then we won't make these same mistakes. It'll be an interesting film and maybe one of the surprise hits of the year.
6. Southpaw- July 24th, 2015 Rating: R

I'm huge fan of boxing movies and when I first saw the still picture of how jacked Jake Gyllenhaal was, I immediately got excited. The first trailer did show the entire movie so when I do see the film I'll know how everything goes in film. However I am looking forward to seeing Jake Gyllenhaal and he does in his performance. A lot of people are already buzzing about his performance and he could very well get an Oscar nomination The film was originally supposed to star Eminem in the lead role and the script is loosely based on his life according to screenwriter Kurt Sutter. I just hope that the film live up to the hype.
5. Ant-Man- July 17th, 2015 Rating: PG-13

Being a Marvel film this may be the most obscure character to date. When this was first announced at Comic-Con 2012 I was really surprised becasue I honestly had never heard of Ant-Man and I'm a huge comic book fan. But the more I've learned about the character he is slowly becoming one of my favorite characters. The film has been through a lot especially when Edgar Wright left the project left the film last summer after working on the film for almost 8 years. But getting Peyton Reed to replace him was a great choice and I love the choice of Paul Rudd playing the Scott Lang version of the character. I personally think this film will fly under the radar and surprise a lot of people.
4. The Peanuts Movie- November 6th, 2015 Rating: Not Yet Rated

I'm a huge fan of the Peanuts comic strip and the cartoon specials that come on tv throughout each year. I was a little worried about the film because I didn't want this to be another Smurfs in where they bring the cartoon characters into the real world and seeing the first trailer I was really pleased. They are staying true with the animation and their mannerisms and I feel like this will be one of the most heartfelt films of the year just behind Inside Out.
3. The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 2- November 20th, 2015 Rating: PG-13

The reason why this is so high on the list is simply because it is the last film in a franchise and those are usually the best. The Hunger Games franchise has been one of the biggest hits with both critics and fans alike and to some they get better and better. For me however Catching Fire is the best one so far and the first film and Mockingjay Part 1 are about the same to me. One of my biggest complaints of the first Mockingjay film was that it was just a big set-up to this film. I never read the books, but everything I've heard about this gets me really excited to see the final chapter in The Hunger Games franchise.
2. Spectre - November 6th, 2015 Rating: PG-13

I'm a huge James Bond fan and that's thanks to my dad who has somewhat of a good taste in moives. I've seen every Bond film to date and this films predecessor Skyfall is my favorite Bond film of all-time and it's going to be really hard for Spectre to top that. But I think with both director Sam Mendes and Daniel Craig returning, plus the addition of 2-time Academy Award nominee Christoph Waltz to the cast as a villain, this film will be just as good, if not better than Skyfall.
1. Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens- December 18th, 2015 Rating: PG-13

For those of you who know me, you know that I'm a die-hard Star Wars fan and I always say that this is the first Star Wars film since 1983 (I don't like the prequels). I know that ticks some of you off, but that's just my opinion. Anyway I've been looking forward to this film since the announcement that Disney bought Lucasfilm back in 2012. The trailers have looked nothing short of amazing so far and I have complete faith in JJ Abrams and I am going to see this film at least 30 times in theaters and yes I mean it.
10. The Green Inferno- September 24th, 2015 Rating: R
I'm a huge Eli Roth fan and I'm glad that this film is getting released after having a studio not being able financially back the film. The trailers for the film have me freaked out and listen if you're not a fan of Eli Roth's films then you probably won't watch or love this movie as much as I will. This very well may be his bloodiest and horrific film to date.
9. Creed- November 25th, 2015 Rating: Not Yet Rated

I'm a huge fan of the Rocky franchise and this film has been in the works for a really long time. Michael B. Jordan is the perfect choice to play Apollo Creed's son and I love seeing Sylvester Stallone come back as Rocky. I'm also really interested in the film because of Ryan Coogler who directed Michael B. Jordan in Fruitvale Station and while this film won't be as dark or depressing as that film, it still has some of that films elements and I'm going to enjoy all of the call backs to the Rocky franchise
8. The Fantastic Four- August 7th, 2015 Rating: PG-13
This film has already received a lot of criticism and it hasn't even been released in theaters yet. I however haven't been one of those people and I have supported this film from the get go. It looks gritty and more realistic than the other two Fantastic Four films which were just dreadful. Now recently there has been some behind scenes news concerning director Josh Trank, but honestly I don't care about that stuff unless it effects the film itself. I'm hoping that this film doesn't let me down after all of the support I have given it.
7. Straight Outta Compton August 15th, 2015 Rating: R

Being a fan of N.W.A., I never knew the story of how they came to be other than some people in the group. The film is going to show a lot of things that our nation is going through at this current moment. We all need to see to this movie and let us that history repeats itself. Maybe if we learnt that then we won't make these same mistakes. It'll be an interesting film and maybe one of the surprise hits of the year.
6. Southpaw- July 24th, 2015 Rating: R

I'm huge fan of boxing movies and when I first saw the still picture of how jacked Jake Gyllenhaal was, I immediately got excited. The first trailer did show the entire movie so when I do see the film I'll know how everything goes in film. However I am looking forward to seeing Jake Gyllenhaal and he does in his performance. A lot of people are already buzzing about his performance and he could very well get an Oscar nomination The film was originally supposed to star Eminem in the lead role and the script is loosely based on his life according to screenwriter Kurt Sutter. I just hope that the film live up to the hype.
5. Ant-Man- July 17th, 2015 Rating: PG-13
Being a Marvel film this may be the most obscure character to date. When this was first announced at Comic-Con 2012 I was really surprised becasue I honestly had never heard of Ant-Man and I'm a huge comic book fan. But the more I've learned about the character he is slowly becoming one of my favorite characters. The film has been through a lot especially when Edgar Wright left the project left the film last summer after working on the film for almost 8 years. But getting Peyton Reed to replace him was a great choice and I love the choice of Paul Rudd playing the Scott Lang version of the character. I personally think this film will fly under the radar and surprise a lot of people.
4. The Peanuts Movie- November 6th, 2015 Rating: Not Yet Rated
I'm a huge fan of the Peanuts comic strip and the cartoon specials that come on tv throughout each year. I was a little worried about the film because I didn't want this to be another Smurfs in where they bring the cartoon characters into the real world and seeing the first trailer I was really pleased. They are staying true with the animation and their mannerisms and I feel like this will be one of the most heartfelt films of the year just behind Inside Out.
3. The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 2- November 20th, 2015 Rating: PG-13

The reason why this is so high on the list is simply because it is the last film in a franchise and those are usually the best. The Hunger Games franchise has been one of the biggest hits with both critics and fans alike and to some they get better and better. For me however Catching Fire is the best one so far and the first film and Mockingjay Part 1 are about the same to me. One of my biggest complaints of the first Mockingjay film was that it was just a big set-up to this film. I never read the books, but everything I've heard about this gets me really excited to see the final chapter in The Hunger Games franchise.
2. Spectre - November 6th, 2015 Rating: PG-13

I'm a huge James Bond fan and that's thanks to my dad who has somewhat of a good taste in moives. I've seen every Bond film to date and this films predecessor Skyfall is my favorite Bond film of all-time and it's going to be really hard for Spectre to top that. But I think with both director Sam Mendes and Daniel Craig returning, plus the addition of 2-time Academy Award nominee Christoph Waltz to the cast as a villain, this film will be just as good, if not better than Skyfall.
1. Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens- December 18th, 2015 Rating: PG-13

For those of you who know me, you know that I'm a die-hard Star Wars fan and I always say that this is the first Star Wars film since 1983 (I don't like the prequels). I know that ticks some of you off, but that's just my opinion. Anyway I've been looking forward to this film since the announcement that Disney bought Lucasfilm back in 2012. The trailers have looked nothing short of amazing so far and I have complete faith in JJ Abrams and I am going to see this film at least 30 times in theaters and yes I mean it.
So ladies and gentlemen what are some of your most anticipated films for the rest of the year and what do you think of my list? Let me know in the comments section below and let your voice be heard.
Jonah Sparks
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