Friday, May 6, 2016

Predicting Phase 4 of the MCU

        One of the most successful cinematic connected universes in the world is the Marvel Cinematic Universe and thanks to it, superhero films are at the height of their popularity and with each film the anticipation builds and builds and we all expect a magnificent film. This Friday the 1st film of Phase 3 of the MCU begins with the release of Captain America: Civil War. We already know the films that are coming out for the rest of Phase 3 and they are going to be a somewhat different lineup than what we are used to seeing from Marvel. However one thing we currently do not know is what is going to happen after Phase 3? Marvel has said they have ideas they can last them until 2028 which they could possibly be on Phase 5 maybe 6 and that means lot of different things are going to happen for it to get to that point. But what we would like to know is what is going to happen in Phase 4 and while it may be tough to know for certain we can always speculate. With that being said I'm going to bring you what I think the MCU Phase 4 will look like. So without further ado...

Ok before we begin here is a list of what is coming out in Phase 3 for Marvel.

Captain America: Civil War May 6th, 2016 
Doctor Strange November 4th, 2016),
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 May 5th, 2017 
Spider-Man: Homecoming July 7th, 2017
Thor: Ragnarok November 3rd, 2017
Black Panther February 16th, 2018 
Avengers: Infinity War – Part 1 May 4th, 2018 
Ant-Man and the Wasp July 6th, 2018
Captain Marvel March 8th, 2019
Avengers: Infinity War – Part 2 May 3rd, 2019

         Now one film missing  from all of this is the previously announced Inhumans film. Here recently it's come under a lot of different issues which forced Marvel to pull it from the schedule due to it not being ready by the initial release date. I'm ok with that because when you think you might be ready for something and it turns out your not, it's better to go ahead and make a tough decision without having to embarrass yourself. I do believe it will be made, but it looks unlikely for the rest of Phase 3. With that there is an open date in 2019 and I'm not sure if Marvel wants to add a new film or just take a break for at least a year and start again with the first film in 2020. Now let's get started with Phase 4....

Here are the dates that have already been claimed by Marvel

May 1st, 2020
July 10th, 2020
November 6th, 2020

So what will those films be?

May 1st, 2020- Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3

        This makes a ton of sense. Guardians of the Galaxy was a smash hit when no one thought it would be and now they have so much confidence in it that they are going to be releasing the sequel in May of 2017 which is a huge deal. It hows that they have faith in the property and it gives it a lot of momentum going throughout the rest of the year. So it makes sense to bring it back 3 years after the Vol. 2 (just like it's 3 three years after the first one) and put it on a prime date in May as sort of kickstarter for a whole new adventure for the MCU in Phase 4.

July 10th, 2020- Fantastic Four

        I can already hear the groans and it's understandable. The past three Fantastic Four films have been utterly terrible and unbearable, but there is a lot of potential for Marvel's first family. Now with the most recent Fantastic Four film being released in 2015, Fox has a 7 year period where it needs needs to be in production of a new Fantastic Four film and in this case by 2022 and it has to come out a year later or the rights go back to Marvel permanently. However I think the people at Fox are smart and they'll probably want something in return for the property and one thing Fox has been trying to do is make X-Men tv shows and Marvel Studios has the rights to that medium of the characters (I know it's a jumbled mess), So Fox trades the Fantstic Four for the X-Men TV rights and everyone goes home happy. With the deal we get Galactus who could become the new big bad guy after Thanos. We also get characters like Doctor Doom and The Silver Surfer who would make immediate impacts in the MCU. Also in some shape or form you could conceivably create The Secret Wars now having Doom and The Fantastic Four.

November 6th, 2020- Doctor Strange 2 

        This makes a lot of sense for Marvel. If Doctor Strange is a hit this upcoming November, Marvel might think this could be a franchise that they can put out this time of year in between the summers of one year to the next. With that you can also open up more dimensions of space and time which could allow Doctor Strange to find Galactus and try to warn Earth before it happens and before he gets to earth he could possibly run into The Guardians of the Galaxy. Plus it will have been 4 years since Doctor Strange came out and I think Marvel is going to keep the trend going of every three or four years of making a sequel to and already established franchise and keep going until they make three films.

        We've covered the dates already announced, but now it's time to predict what will happen until Avengers 4......

February 12th, 2021- Black Panther 2

        Again this goes back to Marvel wanting to make sequels to films they already have made and plus with Black Panther only having a limited time before The Infinity War, it would make sense for him to be around a lot more in the MCU for a long time to come. Plus just like Doctor Strange, if the first Black Panther film is successful in February 2018, then Marvel will want to make this a staple film in February for the MCU until at least 2024.

May 7th, 2021- Spider-Man 2

        Once again Marvel is back at it making sequels to properties we've already seen and this is a great release date. Spider-Man has always been a Summer film and that trend will continue for years to come. It has proven it can work during the summer so why not let it kick off Summer 2021 and keep Phase 4 going by bringing it back to reality and having normal adventure, but also lay down the plans for The Avengers 4.

August 6th, 2021- Sentry

        Some of you might be asking who Sentry is and tor be quite honest he is Marvel's version of Superman mainly be because he is invincible. Sentry is one of the more fascinating characters in the comics and there are a lot of stories you can tell with him. If they go the Galactus route, then they are going to need someone who can go toe to toe with him and at least give The Avengers a shot at victory. The only problem with Sentry is his lack of villains and I think he'll only get this one film (just like Hulk, but for other reasons) and he'll be a bit player in the MCU for several years. This helps Marvel introduce a new character and continue to build on this cosmic world they have created through a lot of their films and it can continue to flow along with this film.

November 5th, 2021- Inhumans

        Now some of you are wondering why is this other release date here and I can simply say that it's because I believe Marvel will be able to finally make 4 films a year and make everything work and keep things fresh. How to do that is by introducing a new character and why not introduce a lot of new characters by releasing the Inhumans film. In doing so you keep the promise of an Inhumans film to its audience and you also give yourself 2 more years to develop the story to make it the best possible story. You'll introduce a lot of new characters and you'll continue on with the cosmic realm and the unknown while pushing towards a very special Avengers 4.

March 4th, 2022- Captain Marvel 2

        What a more wonderful birthday present for myself then having Carol Danvers come on the big screen again. This continues creating a sequel to an already produced film and it also comes out 3 years after the previous solo film. In the film you could possibly introduce another iteration of the character to help fight alongside her and while it's bringing us back an older character, we also get a brand new character as well and it leads towards The Avengers 4 by adding more to the cosmic realm.

May 6th, 2022- The Avengers: Secret Wars

        This is going to be the total culmination of Phase 4. What a better way to end a phase then by having a film based around possibly the best storyline in the comics and to have a lot of the characters now introduced, the film can actually happen. Now adding Galactus to the mix will be something new, but he could very well not end up being the big villain until Phase 5 or 6. A more small villain such as Doom (just like the comics) can be the villain and comic nerds rejoice. Also while normally an Avengers film would come out every three years (2012, 2015, 2018). By having a film come out in 2019, you push the next one back by one year making it come out in 2022.

So let's recap Phase 4

May 1st, 2020- Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3
July 10th, 2020- Fantastic Four
November 6th, 2020- Doctor Strange 2 
February 12th, 2021- Black Panther 2
May 7th, 2021- Spider-Man 2
August 6th, 2021- Sentry
November 5th, 2021- Inhumans
March 4th, 2022- Captain Marvel 2
May 6th, 2022- The Avengers: Secret Wars

        Now let me be clear this is all speculation, but I think this path is a real possibility and hopefully most if not comes true. I thought this would be a fun little thing to do in prep for Phase 3 since we know is coming and to give an idea of what could happen for Phase 4

        So ladies and gentlemen what do you think of my predictions for Phase 4 and what do you think will happen? Let me know in the comments section below and let your voice be heard.

                                                                                                                           Jonah Sparks

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