Saturday, May 14, 2016

My Top 10 Favorite Film Studios

        In Hollywood the main reason for films being made is because a studio is willing to put money into a project to make it come to life on the big screen. every studio makes great films, but some of those studios make really bad films. A lot come from big-time studios, but a lot of your film gems come much smaller budgets. With that being said I'm going to bring you my top 10 favorite film studios as well as my top 3 favorite films from that studio. Now this list won't include subsidiaries which are studios owned by another film studio such as New Line Cinema owned by Warner Bros., Marvel or Pixar (owned by Walt Disney). If they owned by a company like Sony, Viacom or Comacast then those studios are eligible So without further ado...

10. Lionsgate Films
Lionsgate Logo.svg

  1. Saw        
  2. American Psycho
  3. The Hunger Games: Catching Fire

9. Universal Studios
Universal Studios Logo.png

  1. The Breakfast Club
  2. Jurassic Park
  3. Back to the Future

8. DreamWorks Pictures
DreamWorks Pictures SKG logo.svg

  1. American Beauty 
  2. Saving Private Ryan
  3. Galaxy Quest

7. Sony Pictures & Entertainment
Sony Pictures old logo.svg

  1. Skyfall
  2. Spider-Man 2
  3. Terminator 2: Judgement Day

6. A24
A24 Films logo.png

  1. Ex Machina
  2. Room
  3. Enemy

5. 20th Century Fox

  1. Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back
  2. Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope
  3. Dawn of the Planet of the Apes

4. The Weinstein Company
The Weinstein Company logo.png

  1. Django Unchained
  2. Inglourious Basterds 
  3. Silver Linings Playbook

3. Paramount Pictures
Paramount Pictures logo (2013).jpg

  1. The Godfather Part II
  2. Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan
  3. The Godfather

2. Walt Disney Pictures
Walt Disney Pictures logo

  1. Remember the Titans
  2. Miracle
  3. The Muppet Christmas Carol

1. Warner Bros.
Warner Bros. Pictures logo.svg

  1. The Dark Knight
  2. Mystic River
  3. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2
        So ladies and gentlemen what are some of your favorite film studios and what do you think of my list? Let me know in the comments section below and let your voice be heard.

                                                                                                                           Jonah Sparks

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