Saturday, May 28, 2016

My Top 10 Favorite Film Twists of All-Time

        In a lot of films, the filmmakers think they can be clever and take you on a journey throughout the film, but in the end they decide to shift the entire film into another direction and twist the story around. Some twists can be really iconic if done right, but some can be considered really cheesy and forced if done wrong. With that being said I'm going to bring you my top 10 favorite film twists of all-time. This will include the film, the scene in which the twist is revealed. WARNING: This contains spoilers so don't look unless you've seen the films. I'll leave a list of the films and that way you can see if you've seen the film or if you want to avoid it. . So without further ado...

10. Citizen Kane
9. The Others
8. Se7en 
7. Saw
6. The Usual Suspects
5. Planet of the Apes (1968)
4. The Sixth Sense
3. Fight Club
2. Psycho
1. Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back

10. Citizen Kane - Rosebud was the name of his sled.

9. The Others - The Stewart Family are the real ghosts

8. Seven - Mill's wifes head is in the box

7. Saw - Jigsaw is the body in the middle of the floor

6. The Usual Suspects - Verbal Kent is Keyser Söze

5. Planet of the Apes (1968) - Taylor was on Earth the entire time

4. The Sixth Sense -Dr. Crowe was dead the entire film

3. Fight Club - Edward Norton's character is actually Tyler Durden

2. Psycho - Norman Bates was the killer

1. Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back - Darth Vader reveals himself to be Luke Skywalker's father

        So ladies and gentlemen what are some of your favorite film twists of all-time and what do you think of my list? Let me know in the comments section below and let your voice be heard.

                                                                                                                           Jonah Sparks

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