So I recently watched X-Men: Apocalypse and I'm here to bring you my review. So without further ado...

Worshiped as a god since the dawn of civilization, the immortal Apocalypse (played by Oscar Isaac) becomes the first and most powerful mutant. Awakening after thousands of years, he recruits the disheartened Magneto (played by Michael Fassbender) and other mutants to create a new world order. As the fate of the Earth hangs in the balance, Professor X (played by James McAvoy) and Raven/Mystique (played by Jennifer Lawrence) lead a team of young X-Men to stop their seemingly invincible nemesis from destroying mankind.
This was a really fun film to watch. It's been said that this is the finale to a trilogy in the X-Men universe and to be quite honest it is, but it isn't. There is a lot of set up for future films that is going to include this cast and as well as the R-rated Wolverine film which is going to be superb due to the goriness in the Wolverine cameo (it's in the trailer so it's not a spoiler). The story is pretty so-so and it doesn't do anything that's revolutionary to film, but it does a great job of continuing to establish the mythology of the X-Men. One thing that really stood out among the rest of the film was the performances by the newer and younger cast of mutants and they did such a great job and it will get you excited for future films. They all look really comfortable in their roles and they were just perfect for each one. The film does move at a back and forth pace jumping between going really fast and going really slow to the point where it just drags along. The action and visual effects were just spot-on and fantastic to where you are entertained in the film even going through the slow parts. One of the biggest complaints going into the film was the look of Apocalypse and to be quite frank the look worked and wasn't as bothersome as some would think. As for the performance of Apocalypse, Oscar Issac was phenomenal and he truly embodied the character, but the motivations of the character weren't really clear and it really just brought down the film. The film does have a lot of emotion and you don't often see that in comic book films, but one of the most emotional scenes in comic book film history takes place in this film and it will make you gasp and be a little shocked. Overall this is a film that had a lot to live up to and while there a lot of things that you are able to sink your teeth, the film as a whole just didn't fit well together and it didn't live up to the films that came before it. I give X-Men: Apocalypse a 7.5 out of 10.
So ladies and gentlemen what did you think of X-Men: Apocalypse, what would you rate it and what did you think of my review? Let me know in the comments section below and let your voice be heard.
Jonah Sparks

Worshiped as a god since the dawn of civilization, the immortal Apocalypse (played by Oscar Isaac) becomes the first and most powerful mutant. Awakening after thousands of years, he recruits the disheartened Magneto (played by Michael Fassbender) and other mutants to create a new world order. As the fate of the Earth hangs in the balance, Professor X (played by James McAvoy) and Raven/Mystique (played by Jennifer Lawrence) lead a team of young X-Men to stop their seemingly invincible nemesis from destroying mankind.
This was a really fun film to watch. It's been said that this is the finale to a trilogy in the X-Men universe and to be quite honest it is, but it isn't. There is a lot of set up for future films that is going to include this cast and as well as the R-rated Wolverine film which is going to be superb due to the goriness in the Wolverine cameo (it's in the trailer so it's not a spoiler). The story is pretty so-so and it doesn't do anything that's revolutionary to film, but it does a great job of continuing to establish the mythology of the X-Men. One thing that really stood out among the rest of the film was the performances by the newer and younger cast of mutants and they did such a great job and it will get you excited for future films. They all look really comfortable in their roles and they were just perfect for each one. The film does move at a back and forth pace jumping between going really fast and going really slow to the point where it just drags along. The action and visual effects were just spot-on and fantastic to where you are entertained in the film even going through the slow parts. One of the biggest complaints going into the film was the look of Apocalypse and to be quite frank the look worked and wasn't as bothersome as some would think. As for the performance of Apocalypse, Oscar Issac was phenomenal and he truly embodied the character, but the motivations of the character weren't really clear and it really just brought down the film. The film does have a lot of emotion and you don't often see that in comic book films, but one of the most emotional scenes in comic book film history takes place in this film and it will make you gasp and be a little shocked. Overall this is a film that had a lot to live up to and while there a lot of things that you are able to sink your teeth, the film as a whole just didn't fit well together and it didn't live up to the films that came before it. I give X-Men: Apocalypse a 7.5 out of 10.
So ladies and gentlemen what did you think of X-Men: Apocalypse, what would you rate it and what did you think of my review? Let me know in the comments section below and let your voice be heard.
Jonah Sparks
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