Thursday, December 31, 2015

My Top 10 Favorite Films of 2015

        Well ladies and gentlemen it's that time of the year where I reflect on the of 2015 in movies and we see what films were just simply amazing and films that will be remembered for the rest of time. Out of the 168 films I've seen this year, these films have the honor of being continually praised . With that being said I'm going to bring you my top 10 favorite films of 2015 and the reasons why I loved each film and why they are on my list. So without further ado...

10. Sicario
Sicario poster.jpg

        This was just an absolutely breath-taking film. It has Oscar-caliber performances from amazing and talented actors such as Emily Blunt, Josh Brolin and Benicio del Toro. It takes a really hardcore look at the Mexican drug cartel and it doesn't pull any punches what soever. The film is violent in every way possible and it makes the film feel real. The cinematography from Roger Deakins is just beautiful and if it weren't for Emmanuel Lubezki and The Revenant then he would easily win the Oscar for Best Cinematography. This is a film where I could see a sequel to and it's one I would look forward to especially if director Denis Villeneuve comes back.


9. It Follows
Retro Poster

        This was one of the strangest films I have ever seen I absolutely loved it. One thing that gets me in horror films is that the fact you can't see the thing haunting which is just terrifying because you don't know when or where it will attack you. This film scared me in just about every scene and I couldn't be happier that there is a film. This film joins a select group of films from this decade that could be considered great horror films in 10 to 15 years.

8. Ex-Machina

        This was one of the more surprising films of year. It's a thrilling sci-fi film that dives into a numerous amount of topics and it has one of the best breakout performances of the year in Alicia Vikander who is just an absolute star in this film. Domhnall Gleeson and Oscar Issac are in the film as well and they feed off of each well and this film is just mind-blowing from beginning to end. Speaking of the end, the ending of this film is one of the best endings I have ever seen and this is a film everyone should see.

7. The Peanuts Movie
Peanuts 2015.jpg

        This was one of the best animated films of the year and it had such an amazing and heartfelt story. It kept with the traditional animation of the tv specials that air every year and it even has a few sprinkles of each holiday special within the film. The story is one that we've never really seen with Charlie Brown and it did a great job of blending the scenes in Charlie's life with the events of Snoopy as the Flying Ace which were the best scenes of the film by far. I hesitant at first because I thought this was going to be a more modern film and it was far from it and I really loved this film.

6. Straight Outta Compton
Straight Outta Compton poster.jpg

        This was a brilliant and spectacular film. I wasn't a huge fan of N.W.A. going into the film although I had heard several of their songs, but I was really interested in knowing more about them and this film helped. It was a fantastic music bio-pic that hit the really big spots of the group's career and it showed that these guys had true emotion behind everything they did. Now while the film does tail off in the third act due to trying to show too many unnecessary events, but the first two acts were good enough for the film to be considered one of the best of the year. The performances in the film are pretty great especially the one from Jason Mitchell who played Easy-E and as of now he does have an outside shot to be nominated for an Academy Award although unlikely, it was one of my favorite performances of the year.

5. Kingsman: The Secret Service
Kingsman The Secret Service poster.jpg

        2015 was the year of the spy film as 5 such films came out this year and for me this was my favorite one of the bunch. It had a lot of great humor and most of came from an unlikely source in Academy Award winning actor Colin Firth who really stepped out his comfort zone as was able to be both an action star and a comedy star. This was a great breakout role for Taron Egerton who will be a star in the very near future. I really liked the mythology they built in this film and I'm looking forward to seeing where the sequel takes the story. I just hope there is a scene that's just as cool as the church scene was in this movie because after watching that scene I can never listen to Free Bird by Lynyrd Skynyrd the same way ever again.

4. Creed
Creed poster.jpg

        I'm a huge fan of boxing films and that's mostly attributed to the Rocky franchise and what they've done in cinema history. This was an absolutely perfect film that mirrored the original Rocky film is so many yet different ways. Michael B. Jordan gives a stellar performance playing Adonis Creed the son of Apollo Creed and he really takes and makes the character his own. The real surprise is Sylvester Stallone who easily gives the best performance of his life and he may be the current frontrunner for Best Supporting Actor at The Oscars and it would be somewhat fitting that 40 years after he was nominated for playing Rocky Balboa in the Best Picture winning Rocky in 1976, he gets nominated for playing the same role which would be a spectacular achievement in itself.

3. Inside Out
Inside Out (2015 film) poster.jpg

        Much like the great Pixar films, this film has a lot of heart, emotion and one of the best stories ever told by Pixar. It hits you every way possible and it will actually stick with kids for a long time as they grow up and whenever they do something, they can blame it on one of the emotions in their head. The voice cast for this film is absolutely spectacular and the real standout is Lewis Black as Anger which if you know Lewis Black's style of comedy then you know this was the perfect role for him. The film just connects with you and it will stay with you after you watch the film. It is one of the best animated films of the year and it's a film that states that Pixar is still the king of animation.

2. Mad Max: Fury Road
Theatrical release poster

        This was the most difficult decision I had to make when coming up with this list. I loved this film just as much as the first film on the list and it basically came down to a flip of a coin. Mad Max: Fury Road is one of the more gorgeous films you will ever see and the fact that most of the film was done using practical effects and when the effects are so good that you can't tell what is what whether it be practical or the use of CGI (not counting the tornado scene). While it may not have a strong story, the action makes up for it and it is heart-pounding from beginning to end where you can barely take a breath during the film. It's a film that many didn't think would get made due to all of the production problems it went through, but I'm glad they were able to make the film because it was just nothing but non-stop fun.

1. Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens
Star Wars The Force Awakens Theatrical Poster.jpg

        As I mentioned with Mad Max: Fury Road, deciding between those two was virtually a coin flip. I was leaning towards this, but I just had to let fate decide the outcome. This is not only one of the best films of the year, but one of the best films in the Star Wars franchise. I personally after 4 viewings (I plan to see it more), I would put it 3rd behind Episodes 5 and 4 respectively. The film was everything I wanted it to be and it's was the prequel films should've been. The film has bits and pieces of each original trilogy film and they all flow so well together. BB-8 and Kylo Ren are two of my new favorite characters and I'm excited to see what the rest of the trilogy has in store for all of these characters. This is a film that I've been waiting for for 3 years, when Disney announced the purchase of Lucasfilm and said they would make more Star Wars films. This film made me feel every emotion possible and I'm glad to say that Star Wars is back for good. 

        So ladies and gentlemen what did you think of my list and what were some of your favorite movies of 2015? Let me know in the comments section below and let your voice be heard.

                                                                                                                           Jonah Sparks

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

My Top 10 Least Favorite Films of 2015

        Well ladies and gentlemen it's that time of the year where I reflect on the of 2015 in movies and we see what films made me want to stop doing the blog all together and some where I wanted to punch someone in the face. Out of the 168 films I've seen this year, these films have the honor of being torn apart and never to be heard of again. With that being said I'm going to bring you my top 10 least favorite films of 2015 and the reasons why I hated each film and why they are on my list. So without further ado...

10. The Loft
The Loft film poster.png

        This was a film when it was first announced that got a lot of people interested due to the magnificent ensemble for a cast and the story itself sounded interesting. However it's an offensive film to both men and women. It's also predictable from beginning to end and the ending itself could be considered quite possibly one of the worst endings of all-time. The sad thing is that the film was supposed to come out last December and was positioned to possibly be an Oscar contender and instead ends up on my list of least favorite films.

9. Mortdecai 
Mortdecai poster.jpg

        Being a fan of Johnny Depp has been rough over the past couple of years due to the fact he has made some really terrible films and this one of the films you can add to that list. It's just so ridiculous that you can't believe Johnny Depp or for that matter any of the cast signed on to the movie. The film tries to be funny and it just isn't and it was also an attempt to capitalize of a series of books and with the poor results of this film, we can all breath a easily knowing that the films will stop with this one. Congrats Johnny Depp you give one of the worst performances of the year in this and give one of the best in Black Mass, I just wish you would choose which one suits you the best.

8. Taken 3
Taken 3 poster.jpg

        I hope the tagline for the film is true because I don't want to see another film in the franchise. The film was made for one reason and one reason only and that's because Taken 2 was financially successful. I mean this film tries to do what The Hangover franchise did in the sense that they made a great original film, then a complete repeat and unnecessary film and now the third film tries to do something different that fails. Liam Neeson is a great actor, but he deserves to do something else that's better and hopefully we'll see that with his film Silence set to hit theaters next year.

7. Unfinished Business
Unfinished Business 2015 film poster.png

        When you get Vince Vaughn, Dave Franco and Tom Wilkinson in a film together you expect at least a decent attempt to make a good film and instead you end up on this list. I mean you rarely get a collection of talent like this in a film and if you do then you should try your hardest to make a good film. The film has some of the worst and most offensive jokes ever heard on film and it literally makes you as an audience member stupider as each minute goes by. Excuse me as I tend to finish some unfinished business in the bathroom because that would be more entertaining then having to sit through this film again.

6. Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Road Chip
AlvinChipmunksTheRoadChip poster.jpg

        Alvin and the Chipmunks are very special in the history of pop culture and seeing them on the big screen is a treat, unless that treat is an exploding pile of crap that hits you in face while walking down the street. The film has no cohesiveness to it, no plot, no good jokes (unless you like fart, poop and pee jokes for 90 minutes). Even the animation of the chipmunks just feels off compared to the other films in the franchise and Jason Lee is virtually trapped in this franchise and hopefully he can find a way out because his talents can be used in wide variety of ways outside of the franchise.

5. The Longest Ride
The Longest Ride poster.png

        Have you ever seen a movie so many times that you know every little detail before it happens? Well that's how I feel about this film eventhough I've only seen it once, but because Nicholas Sparks writes the same boring novels that have the same characters and the one constant theme that at least one person dies possibly due to cancer. The acting and writing in and for this film are just atrocious and it's sad to see someone like Alan Alda in such a terrible film and waste the talent of Britt Robertson.

4. Paul Blart: Mall Cop 2
Paul Blart - Mall Cop 2 poster.jpg

        You know the definition of insanity? The one that says you do the same things over and over again and expect different results everytime. Well that's what you get with this film as it is literally the same film as the first film just in a different location and with a really stupid title. Basically this film was a paid vacation to Las Vegas for everyone involved because this film has nothing redeemable about it and it tries way too hard to make things that aren't funny funny. Kevin James does what he always does and that's be the stupid fat guy (I'm fat so I can say that) that falls down every time and try to make it seem like a big joke when it's just sad and pathetic. As for the title, there was no need for them to use the number two and a subtitle of some sort would have sufficed.

3. Jem and the Holograms
Jem Movie Teaser Poster.png

        You know you're film is bad when the film was only in theaters for two weeks before being pulled by the studio and I'm not kidding. The film had an opening weekend of  $1.3 million and a two-week worldwide total of $2.1 million. It was bad idea from the start and to make a film on a property that not a lot of people in today's current moviegoing audience have ever heard of Jem and the Holograms and then to completely ignore the built-in fanbase you had by making the film not even have a little resemblance to the cartoon show. The fact that director Jon M. Chu decided that this was a better option than to direct a Masters of the Universe film should tell you how stupid he is and it's one of the factors that made me so glad to see the film fail miserably.

2. Hot Pursuit
Hot Pursuit 2015 poster.jpg

        This for the longest time was my least favorite film of the year and for good reason too. There was one film that ended up beating it, but we'll get to that in a little bit. This film however is just so stupid and not funny one bit. It's sad to see Reese Witherspoon who at the time was coming another Oscar nomination for Wild and to see her in this film just amazed me and it's puzzling as to why she would do a film like this. I also know Sophia Vergara is Colombian and she can't help it she has that terrible accent, but my God it's so annoying and you can't focus on the film because the entire time she is either screaming at the top of her lungs or she is complaining about something stupid on screen. This a complete disaster and I hope to never hear about this film ever again.

1. Point Break (2015)
Two surfers are surfing over a big water wave ,with the film's title and credits in front of them.

        As I mentioned with Hot Pursuit, I didn't think it was possible for a film to be as bad or possibly even worse and wouldn't you that it took til the end of the year for me to find that one film. I'm a huge fan of the original Point Break and this film doesn't do that film any justice whatsoever and it basically mocks everything the first film was about. Luke Bracey is a terrible actor and he just made the film so much more unwatchable than it already was. He just looks and sounds like he doesn't even know what he is doing in the film. Edgar Ramirez and Ray Winstone are wasted in this film and the film is basically an advertisement for extreme sports and it may give you or your children the thought that you might be able to do these stunts, but in reality you can't and won't so don't try it. This was one of the more tougher films to watch due to my love for the first film and the fact that this film embarrasses itself.

        So ladies and gentlemen what are some of your least favorite films of 2015 and what do you think of my list? Let me know in the comments section below and let your voice be heard.

                                                                                                                           Jonah Sparks

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

12-29-15 Movie News

        Hello ladies and gentlemen, here is some movie news with some of my thoughts and opinions (which will be in BOLD print). So without further ado...

(NOTE: All of these stories come from

        It’s finally here! The day that many have been counting down towards all year. The day we get the new Deadpool trailer from 20th Century Fox. Check out the Red Band version of the trailer below. Based upon Marvel Comics’ most unconventional anti-hero, Deadpool tells the origin story of former Special Forces operative turned mercenary Wade Wilson, who after being subjected to a rogue experiment that leaves him with accelerated healing powers, adopts the alter ego Deadpool. Armed with his new abilities and a dark, twisted sense of humor, Deadpool hunts down the man who nearly destroyed his life. Ryan Reynolds stars as the title character alongside T.J. Miller as Weasel, Gina Carano as Angel Dust, Brianna Hildebrand as Negasonic Teenage Warhead, Morena Baccarin as Copycat and Ed Skrein as Ajax. The film will also feature the mutant Colossus, voiced by Serbian actor Stefan Kapicic. Reynolds has expressed a desire that Hugh Jackman might cameo as Wolverine, though it remains unconfirmed as to whether or not he will actually appear. Tim Miller is directing the movie from a script by Zombieland writers Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick. Confirmed to be rated R, Deadpool is scheduled for a release on February 12, 2016.

        This was an absolutely perfect trailer. It accurately portrays the type of film we are going to get and it does a great job of giving us the fans what we want in the sense of an R-rated Deadpool film. I love how they showed all of the quirks associated with Deadpool such as breaking the fourth wall and chimichangas and it was just so great. The comedy is perfect and this film is going to be smashmouth success as long as everyone knows what type of film they are going to see and I hope they give the film a chance because it has the potential to be the best comic book film of 2016. 

        Warner Bros. Pictures announced today that Christopher Nolan will direct Dunkirk from his own original screenplay. An epic action thriller, Dunkirk is set during the legendary evacuation. The announcement was made by Greg Silverman, President, Creative Development and Worldwide Production. The large scale film will be shot on a combination of IMAX 65mm and 65mm large format film photography for maximum image quality and high impact immersion. Shooting will begin in May using many of the real locations of the true-life events, which form the background for the story. The cast will be headed by yet-to-be-cast unknowns. Mark Rylance, Kenneth Branagh and Tom Hardy are currently in talks to join the ensemble. Nolan will also produce the film with his longtime producing partner Emma Thomas. Silverman stated, “We are thrilled to be continuing our collaboration with Christopher Nolan, a singular filmmaker who has created some of the most critically acclaimed and commercially successful films of all time. ‘Dunkirk’ is a gripping and powerful story and we are excited to see Chris, Emma and their cast realize it on the big screen.” Warner Bros. Pictures is distributing Dunkirk worldwide and has slated the film for a July 21, 2017 release. The film will be released theatrically on IMAX, 70mm, 35mm and all other screens.

        This is absolutely fantastic news to hear. Christopher Nolan is one of the best working directors in the business today and every film he touches is pure gold (besides The Dark Knight Rises, but that's neither here nor there). The thought of Nolan directing a war film is just one of the best ideas in the world and with the right cast this film could easily be the best film of 2017. I also like the idea that it is going to be in 70mm and try to do what Tarantino did with The Hateful Eight just hopefully the movie theater chains can better train their workers for 70mm.  This is already a film that is in my top 3 most anticipated films of 2017 and I cannot wait to see it. 

        Following the first Doctor Strange photos and new character details, Marvel Studios‘ Kevin Feige has revealed to EW what Doctor Strange powers we can expect in the movie. “He can do a whole host of things, eventually,” Feige told the magazine. “He does cast spells, which in the comics have very sort of tongue-twisty fun names. We don’t want to shy away from that, because that’s what makes Doctor Strange Doctor Strange. He has a Cloak of Levitation that allows him to fly, but he doesn’t fly like Superman or like Thor. It’s almost got a consciousness of its own, this cloak, which, again, gives us a superhero with a red cape — which we’ve seen a few times — but allows us to do it in a wholly unique and wholly original way. He can create these mandalas of light that he can use as shields and he can use as sort of weapons. He can create portalas that will open before your eyes that he can step through and go to other places around the world. And frankly, even in this film, we’ll only touch upon what a lot of his powers are.” Feige also talked about The Eye of Agamotto: “The Cloak of Levitation [and] the Eye of Agamotto are his two signature pieces. In this film, the Eye is a very important relic that can be quite dangerous if used in the wrong hands, because it has the ability to do any number of things, the most dangerous of which is, it can sort of manipulate probabilities. Which is also another way of saying, ‘screw around with time’ — which is part of our story.” Doctor Strange stars Benedict Cumberbatch in the lead with Chiwetel Ejiofor (12 Years a Slave) as Baron Mordo, Tilda Swinton (Only Lovers Left Alive) as The Ancient One and, in undisclosed roles, Rachel McAdams (The Vow), Michael Stuhlbarg (Pawn Sacrifice), Scott Adkins (The Bourne Ultimatum), Amy Landecker (“Transparent”), and Mads Mikkelsen (“Hannibal”). Scheduled to hit theaters November 4, 2016, Doctor Strange is scripted by Jon Spaihts (Prometheus, Passengers) and directed by Scott Derrickson (The Exorcism of Emily Rose, Deliver Us From Evil). It is said to follow the story of neurosurgeon Dr. Stephen Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch) who, after a horrific car accident, discovers the hidden world of magic and alternate dimensions.

        I really like these comments. It helps those who don't know much about Doctor Strange (like myslef) a whole lot more with some fabulous insight. I like the fact that Feige was upfront about the basic plotline is for the film without pulling any punches. I think he also let slip what the next possible Infinity Stone is because one of the things that Thanos has is the Infinity Gauntlet and there are six stones in total and so far we've been introduced to 4 so The Eye of Agamotto could be the Time gem and it's one I'm fascinated to see on the big screen. I haven't been too excited for the film, but these comments have now gotten me fully on board for the film.

        Michael Fassbender has a distinct advantage for many of his film roles, which are rooted in either fictional super villains that are featured in countless comic books or real people whose lives have been documented in excess. Even his next role, starring in the feature adaptation of Assassin’s Creed, has nine video games along with books and comics offering a window into Ubisoft’s world; however, Fassbender revealed to EW that before he had been offered the part, he never played the game. “I hadn’t played it before these guys approached me,” Fassbender says. “I’ve played it since mainly to get an idea of the physicality of the character. We’re striving to find something special. We believe the whole concept around it is special and want to service that the best we can. The fans are really passionate: very specific and they expect accuracy and historical detail. We’re really trying to capitalize and feed on and enjoy the fun element. We’re working hard to make this something special.” Fassbender leads the cast of Assassin’s Creed and is joined by Marion Cotillard (The Dark Knight Rises, Inception), Michael K. Williams (“The Wire,” Paul Feig’s upcoming Ghostbusters), Jeremy Irons (“The Borgias”) and Brendan Gleeson (Edge of Tomorrow). Justin Kurrzel (Macbeth) is directing the film. The Assassin’s Creed movie follows a character by the name of Callum Lynch who, through a revolutionary technology that unlocks his genetic memories, is able to experience the adventures of his ancestor, Aguilar, in 15th Century Spain. Callum discovers he is descended from a mysterious secret society, the Assassins, and amasses incredible knowledge and skills to take on the oppressive and powerful Templar organization in the present day. Assassin’s Creed is set for a December 21, 2016 release.

        I really enjoy hearing comments like these. It shows that an actor is willing to do what needs to be done to make the film seem more realistic and do some fan service by giving them what they want. I used to play the Assassin's Creed games before they started becoming really terrible games and I like the fact that the film will introduce a knew character that's not associated with the games. The team that the film is made of (Fassbender, Marion Cotillard and director Justin Kurrzel) all worked well together on Macbeth and I'm excited to see them bring this video game to life in hopes of making video game films successful at the box office as well as critically. 

        If you thought that there seemed to be a suspiciously significant delay in Dimension Films’ sequel Halloween Returns, then you were right, as Bloody Disgusting reports that not only is the planned sequel as dead as a horny babysitter but Dimension has now lost their rights to the franchise. Originally announced to begin production in Louisiana under partnership with Trancas International Films in July–which obviously never happened–the last updates we had on Halloween Returns came in September when director Marcus Dunstan said he wanted to cast “Community” star Gillian Jacobs for the lead role, then again in October when “Halloween” franchise producer Malek Akkad told Daily Dead, “unfortunately things happen in Hollywood where you have issues with studios and different variables—we’ve had to take a step back and now we’re trying to refigure this beast that is the new ‘Halloween.'” TheWrap confirms Bloody‘s report that Miramax is now shopping the franchise rights to other studios, and adds that Dunstan and his co-writer Patrick Melton (with whom he wrote a number of the Saw films) have been cut loose as Miramax attempts to distance themselves from any baggage associated with Dimension. The studio had controlled the property since 1995’s Halloween: The Curse of Michael Myers. This, of course, opens up the possibility of a crossover film, with Myers potentially taking on Jason Voorhees if the rights land at Paramount, or Freddy Kruger if it goes to Warner Bros./New Line.

        Halloween Returns would have followed the events of 1981’s Halloween II and paved a new continuity from there, ignoring all subsequent sequels and remakes. It would follow the first sequel’s Deputy Gary Hunt (originally played by Hunter von Leer), who accompanied Dr. Loomis to the school and is now acting sheriff of Haddonfield, Illinois. Dunstan’s approach was said to be more subtle than previous remakes by Rob Zombie, and was looking to shoot on film before he hit a roadblock with Dimension. “The coolest thing we’ve done so far is a couple motion tests of potential Michaels,” Dunstan stated of his vision for a more old school horror film. “I want to see a film shot on film. I want it to be one that stands on its own. Suspense isn’t expensive. A karate fight in a burning room is expensive. Michael Myers is subtlety and suspense.” Before Dunstan and Melton, Dimension had hired director Patrick Lussier and screenwriter Todd Farmer (My Bloody Valentine) to make Halloween 3D as a direct follow-up to the Zombie films and featuring the return of Halloween III: Season of the Witch star Tom Atkins, but after the failure of the duo’s Drive Angry that ship also sailed.

        This is disappointing yet exciting news to hear. It's disappointing in the sense that all of the work the studio has done was for nothing and everyone who was working on the film is now out of a job. It's exciting in the sense that this film sin't getting made because everything I've heard about the film sounded absolutely stupid. It will be an interesting thing to watch to see where the film rights end up at because there a re vast amount of possibilities and I personally wouldn't mind if it went to Paramount and we got a Micheal vs. Jason, maybe Freddy vs. Micheal or even the ultra popular Freddy vs. Micheal vs. Jason if the studios can work out a deal like they did to make the film Freddy vs. Jason. There are a lot of possibilities and I really want to see a new version of Halloween that isn't as bad as the Rob Zombie's attempts and hopefully everything can work itself out. 

        So there you have it ladies and gentlemen, which of these stories peaked your interest or was there another story that interested you? Let me know in the comments section below and let your voice be heard.

                                                                                                                                        Jonah Sparks

My Review of Point Break (2015)

        So I recently watched Point Break (2015) and I'm here to bring you my review. So without further ado...

Two surfers are surfing over a big water wave ,with the film's title and credits in front of them.

        Thrill-seeking criminals perform a series of daredevil stunts to steal money and gems, only to give it away to the poor and less fortunate. Training for a job with the FBI, young recruit Johnny Utah (played by Luke Bracey) suspects that only extreme athletes could pull off these heists. Utilizing his own special skills, Utah infiltrates the gang of thieves after befriending their charismatic leader, Bodhi (played by Edgar Ramirez). As Johnny experiences the rush of their lifestyle, his superiors fear that his loyalties are being tested.


        This has to be one of the worst films ever made in the history of film. The 1991 original film may not have been a great film in it's own, but it at least had a fun storyline with some great actors and performances (i.e. Keanu Reeves, Gary Busey and Patrick Swayze). This film is basically an advertisement for extreme sports and how "extreme" they are. It has no cohesive story, no likable characters and it doesn't do the original film any justice whatsoever. Luke Bracey has to be one of the worst actors working in Hollywood today because everything he is in, he gives a wooden performance with the same monotone voice plus he looks so lost in every scene and to sum everything up HE CAN"T ACT and he was poor choice for the role of Johnny Utah. Edgar Ramirez had a tough job in filling the shoes of Patrick Swayze, but he does a great job with what little he is given. Another bright spot was Ray Winstone he does the job because it's a paycheck and you can tell that even he wanted to laugh at the horrible dialogue he was given, but even those aren't good enough for the film to be even remotely good. The story tries to build upon some things that were mentioned in the original film and basing a story around that seems like a great idea, but it just isn't executed well and it's just a 2 hour movie with nothing but stunts, stunts and even more stunts with little or no character development and no story to base the film on. Overall this is easily one the worst films of the year and maybe one one of the worst films of the decade. I give Point Break (2015) a 0 out of 10.

        So ladies and gentlemen what did you think of Point Break (2015), what would you rate it and what did you think of my review? Let me know in the comments section below and let your voice be heard.

                                                                                                                           Jonah Sparks

Monday, December 28, 2015

Weekend Box Office Review 12-25-15 to 12-27-15/ Weekend Preview

        Here are the weekend domestic box office results for the weekend of 12-25-15 to 12-27-15 as well as my 5 key takeaways, as well as my predictions for the top 5 films at the box office this weekend. So without further ado...

Box Office Totals courtesy of
# of Theaters
Total Domestic Gross
Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens
Walt Disney Pictures
Daddy’s Home
Paramount Pictures
20th Century Fox
Universal Pictures
Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Road Chip
20th Century Fox
The Big Short
Paramount Pictures
Sony Pictures
Point Break
Warner Bros.
The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 2
The Hateful Eight
The Weinstein Company
1. Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens continues to smash box office records and it is on an amazing pace to possibly unseat Avatar as the highest grossing film of all-time.
2. Despite horrible reviews, Daddy's Home made almost $40 million taking away quite a bit of money from  Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens.
3. The Hateful Eight climbed into the top 10 despite being in only 100 theaters and look for it to climb a few spots next week when it expands into more theaters.
4. The biggest loser of the weekend was Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens as it made 39.8% less than it did last week and the biggest winner of the weekend was The Big Short as it made 2,683.9% more than it did last weekend.
5. I went 3 for 5 on my predictions.

1. Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens $100 Million
2. Daddy's Home $18 Million
3. The Hateful Eight $14 Million
4. Joy $10 Million
5. Sisters $8 Million

        So ladies and gentlemen what do you think of this weekend's box office totals and what are some of your takeaways? Let me know in the comments section below and let your voice be heard.

                                                                                                                           Jonah Sparks

My Review of Joy

        So I recently watched Joy and I'm here to bring you my review. So without further ado.................


        A story of a family across four generations, centered on the girl who becomes the woman who founds a business dynasty and becomes a matriarch in her own right. Facing betrayal, treachery, the loss of innocence and the scars of love, Joy (played by Jennifer Lawrence) becomes a true boss of family and enterprise in a world of unforgiving commerce. Allies become adversaries and adversaries become allies, both inside and outside the family, as Joy's inner life and fierce imagination carry her through the storm she faces.


        This was a really disappointing film. David O'Russell is a brilliant director and eh has brought us some pretty great films over the years and especially his most recent work of The Fighter, Silver Linings Playbook and American Hustle, but he has style that tends to overshadow his great work. He often borrows from Martin Scorsese and while it's understandable for any director to do so, he does it to the point where he often copy's him and takes away from what could be a great film and he uses them a lot in this film, but not as much as previous films. Jennifer Lawrence gives a fabulous performance and it's one that will be nominated for a Best Actress Oscar and while he co-star Bradly Cooper won't get nominated, he does give a performance that would be nominated in any other year and they show that when they are on screen together they have excellent chemistry. Robert DeNiro also gives a magnificent performance and he seems to be giving quite a few of those since he has been working on films with David O'Russell. Overall the film itself does a great job of telling the rags to riches story of Joy Mangano, but the directing techniques of David O'Russell overshadows what the film could've ultimately been. I give Joy a 6.5 out of 10.

        So ladies and gentlemen what did you think of Joy, what would you rate it and what did you think of my review? Let me know in the comments section below and let your voice be heard.

                                                                                                                           Jonah Sparks