So I recently watched Son of Saul and I'm here to bring you my review. So without further ado.......

In October 1944, Saul Ausländer (played by Géza Röhrig), a Hungarian-Jewish prisoner in Auschwitz works as a Sonderkommando member, burning the dead. One day, he finds the body of a boy he takes for his son. He tries to salvage the body from the flames, and find a rabbi to arrange a clandestine burial. Meanwhile other members of the Sonderkommando learn about their impending extermination, rise up and destroy the crematorium. Saul keeps focused on his own plan to pay the last honours to a son he never could take care of before.
This was a really powerful and emotional film. Foreign films often don't get the recognition they deserve in the United States and it's often due to subtitles and that shouldn't detract you especially if one interests you and this is one that everyone should see. It has a lot of comparisons to Schindler's List in the sense that it touches on a very emotional subject and it focuses on one particular individual to do what is right during one of the most haunting times for the Jewish people. The performance of Geza Rohrg is tremendous and if the film had been a U.S. film then he would get a shot at an Academy Award nomination. The cinematography is beautiful as well as with most foreign films and it could also get some recognition from the Academy. The one thing that really brings the film down is the fact that it hits you over the head with emotion and it just becomes too much to handle and it would've better served the film to slowly build up until an impactful moment, but it decides to just try to impact you too much. Overall this is beautiful film with such a powerful story and it paints a horrific picture of the time period, but the film just becomes to emotional for one person to take. I give Son of Saul a 9 out of 10.
So ladies and gentlemen what did you think of Son of Saul, what would you rate it and what did you think of my review? Let me know in the comments section below and let your voice be heard.
Jonah Sparks
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