Hello ladies and gentlemen, here is some movie news with some of my thoughts and opinions (which will be in BOLD print). So without further ado...
(NOTE: All of these stories come from comingsoon.net)
Although the decision was already all-but-confirmed, 20th Century Fox has today officially revealed that Bryan Singer is set to helm his fourth X-Men film with 2016's X-Men: Apocalypse. Singer will direct from a script by Simon Kinberg, Mike Dougherty and Dan Harris. Continuing the "First Class" era, X-Men: Apocalypse will be set in the 1980s and will likely offer some younger versions of previously-seen characters (both Gambit and Nightcrawler have been rumored). Star James McAvoy also recently teased that his Professor Charles Xavier may finally be going bald for the new film. X-Men: Apocalypse is set to hit theaters on May 27, 2016.
This is awesome to hear. Now we've all figured that this was going to happen (simply becuase of the success of X-Men: Days of Future Past) and because Singer has teased some things on Twitter for X-Men: Apocalypse. Look Bryan Singer has been involved in 3 X-Men movies (X-Men, X2: X-Men United and most recently X-Men: Days of Future Past) and all three have been a success. Now I know Singer has had a lot of publicity with the sexual abuse allegations (funny how nothing came of the entire ordeal), but he is the perfect choice for this franchise going forward. I'm really excited for X-Men: Apocalypse now the Singer is officially confirmed.
Even though production wrapped last month on the upcoming Jurassic World, that's not stopping director Colin Trevorrow from sharing some interesting teases from the set of the upcoming film. The latest one comes simply with the caption "Autumn" and shows off what remains of the sign that Wayne Knight's Dennis Nedry ran over while attempting to flee after stealing the dinosaur embryos in the first film. We've known for sometime that the new film will focus on a fully-realized version of John Hammond's dream from the original Jurassic Park, and that it would return to the setting of Isla Nublar.
Opening in 3D, 2D and IMAX theaters on June 12, 2015, Jurassic World stars Chris Pratt, Bryce Dallas Howard, Ty Simpkins, Jake Johnson, Nick Robinson, Irrfan Khan, Vincent D’Onofrio, BD Wong, Omar Sy, Judy Greer, Katie McGrath, Lauren Lapkus and Andy Buckley. Jurassic World is a sci-fi terror adventure set 22 years after the horrific events of the original Jurassic Park.

(courtesy of Colin Trevorrow)
This photo is simply awesome. It's really great to see something that was so key to the first film (and something comedic). So far everything I have seen form this film looks fantastic and I think the film is in the right hands with Trevorrow. I'm really excited to head back to the original island and to see what has become of it in the past 22 years. I can't wait to see Jurassic Park back on the big screen again.
Even before this year's colossal hit X-Men: Days of Future Past debuted, 20th Century Fox was already making plans for a follow-up in the form of X-Men: Apocalypse. Since then, a few more details on the film have been revealed, including what mutants could pop up and who could return, but so far the majority of what we know is that it will focus primarily on the returning "First Class" characters.
Series writer and producer Simon Kinberg took part in a Q&A with Yahoo! recently in which he was asked about the upcoming film and whether we might see some of the other future mutants (Kitty Pryde, Bishop) return for future X-Men films. "The X-Men film that we're working on now as everybody knows is X-Men: Apocalypse and that really follows the stories of the let's say 'First Class' X-Men. Jennifer Lawrence, Michael Fassbender, James McAvoy, Nicholas Hoult, many others of that generation of X-Men. So, in future X-Men films? Perhaps, but in 'Apocalypse' it will really be the continuation of the 'past' of 'Days of Future Past.'"
Kinberg was also asked about recasting any of the original "X-Men" actors for the upcoming "Apocalypse," to which he replied: "If we included some of the original X-Men, like Storm, Jean, Scott, and others, yeah we would have to recast them, because Apocalypse takes place a good twenty years before "X1," which now insanely was fifteen years ago. It would be very hard to do. Halle, Famke, and Jimmy, and others have done such wonderful jobs of bringing those characters to life and they're so identified, those actors, with the parts now. So it would be a tall task, but I also would have said before "First Class" there would be no way we could find actors who could stand alongside Ian McKellen and Patrick Stewart, and I think we managed to with Michael and James finding their own interpretation of the characters, not doing an impersonation. So, are we going to have to recast? If some of those characters were in the movie we would, but we'll see."
Despite being purposefully vague about whether or not these characters could appear in the film, Kinberg has already mentioned previously that some of the original characters will be present for the next movie. It could be argued that he was referencing Hugh Jackman's Wolverine or perhaps Patrick Stewart's Charles Xavier, but given director Bryan Singer was quoted as saying he wanted to introduce "familiar characters at different ages" in the film, it seems likely we'll be seeing younger versions of the original cast.
These are some really interesting comments. I agree that some of the "future" mutants probably won't be in this film simply because of the time period in which the film takes place in, but if they decide to bring the current First Class cast into the present, then would could see a few "future mutants. I also agree with the studio recasting characters with younger actors simply again because of the time period. I'd really like to see the older and lesser used cast members come back, but I understand why they may not/will not.
Many fans' prayers were answered last Friday when 20th Century Fox not only announced that the long gestating Deadpool film was coming but that they had given it a release date. Now, Schmoes Know brings word on something that might make the fans of the Merc with a mouth a little disappointed - the film's rating. "I heard from the director (Tim Miller) that they finally figured out the script, and it was right before this was announced, that they figured out, and you guys are all going to hate this, that they figured out how to make it PG-13 and therefore not lose its soul - that's a quote - of the script so they can make it." Ryan Reynolds is expected to return as Wade Wilson for the upcoming film which has director Tim Miller at the helm and a script by Zombieland writers Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick. Deadpool is currently set for release on February 12, 2016.
This ins't really that surprising. I understand why Fox doesn't want the film to be R simply because of the amount of money the could potentially lose simply from a rating. Look do I want a rated R Deadpool movie... yes, but I'm ok with it being PG-13 especially since the test footage that was released and guess what it was PG-13 so i'm ok with this.
On the heels of this weekend's news that Matt Damon is looking at headlining Zhang Yimou's The Great Wall, comes word, via Deadline, that Bryan Cranston is himself considering a role in the project. The Great Wall is set to tell the story about the mystery behind China's most famous landmark and how it was built with Legendary's Thomas Tull producing alongside Chuck Roven (The Dark Knight), Jon Jashni and Alex Gartner and Peter Loehr and Jillian Share executive producing.
This is awesome to hear. Bryan Cranston is an amazing actor and putting him an Matt Damon together is amazing. The film also sounds really interesting so I'm pretty excited to see these two on screen together.
So there you have it ladies and gentlemen, which of these stories peaked your interest or was there another story that interested you? Let me know in the comments section below and let your voice be heard.
Jonah Sparks
(NOTE: All of these stories come from comingsoon.net)
Although the decision was already all-but-confirmed, 20th Century Fox has today officially revealed that Bryan Singer is set to helm his fourth X-Men film with 2016's X-Men: Apocalypse. Singer will direct from a script by Simon Kinberg, Mike Dougherty and Dan Harris. Continuing the "First Class" era, X-Men: Apocalypse will be set in the 1980s and will likely offer some younger versions of previously-seen characters (both Gambit and Nightcrawler have been rumored). Star James McAvoy also recently teased that his Professor Charles Xavier may finally be going bald for the new film. X-Men: Apocalypse is set to hit theaters on May 27, 2016.
This is awesome to hear. Now we've all figured that this was going to happen (simply becuase of the success of X-Men: Days of Future Past) and because Singer has teased some things on Twitter for X-Men: Apocalypse. Look Bryan Singer has been involved in 3 X-Men movies (X-Men, X2: X-Men United and most recently X-Men: Days of Future Past) and all three have been a success. Now I know Singer has had a lot of publicity with the sexual abuse allegations (funny how nothing came of the entire ordeal), but he is the perfect choice for this franchise going forward. I'm really excited for X-Men: Apocalypse now the Singer is officially confirmed.
Even though production wrapped last month on the upcoming Jurassic World, that's not stopping director Colin Trevorrow from sharing some interesting teases from the set of the upcoming film. The latest one comes simply with the caption "Autumn" and shows off what remains of the sign that Wayne Knight's Dennis Nedry ran over while attempting to flee after stealing the dinosaur embryos in the first film. We've known for sometime that the new film will focus on a fully-realized version of John Hammond's dream from the original Jurassic Park, and that it would return to the setting of Isla Nublar.
Opening in 3D, 2D and IMAX theaters on June 12, 2015, Jurassic World stars Chris Pratt, Bryce Dallas Howard, Ty Simpkins, Jake Johnson, Nick Robinson, Irrfan Khan, Vincent D’Onofrio, BD Wong, Omar Sy, Judy Greer, Katie McGrath, Lauren Lapkus and Andy Buckley. Jurassic World is a sci-fi terror adventure set 22 years after the horrific events of the original Jurassic Park.
(courtesy of Colin Trevorrow)
This photo is simply awesome. It's really great to see something that was so key to the first film (and something comedic). So far everything I have seen form this film looks fantastic and I think the film is in the right hands with Trevorrow. I'm really excited to head back to the original island and to see what has become of it in the past 22 years. I can't wait to see Jurassic Park back on the big screen again.
Even before this year's colossal hit X-Men: Days of Future Past debuted, 20th Century Fox was already making plans for a follow-up in the form of X-Men: Apocalypse. Since then, a few more details on the film have been revealed, including what mutants could pop up and who could return, but so far the majority of what we know is that it will focus primarily on the returning "First Class" characters.
Series writer and producer Simon Kinberg took part in a Q&A with Yahoo! recently in which he was asked about the upcoming film and whether we might see some of the other future mutants (Kitty Pryde, Bishop) return for future X-Men films. "The X-Men film that we're working on now as everybody knows is X-Men: Apocalypse and that really follows the stories of the let's say 'First Class' X-Men. Jennifer Lawrence, Michael Fassbender, James McAvoy, Nicholas Hoult, many others of that generation of X-Men. So, in future X-Men films? Perhaps, but in 'Apocalypse' it will really be the continuation of the 'past' of 'Days of Future Past.'"
Kinberg was also asked about recasting any of the original "X-Men" actors for the upcoming "Apocalypse," to which he replied: "If we included some of the original X-Men, like Storm, Jean, Scott, and others, yeah we would have to recast them, because Apocalypse takes place a good twenty years before "X1," which now insanely was fifteen years ago. It would be very hard to do. Halle, Famke, and Jimmy, and others have done such wonderful jobs of bringing those characters to life and they're so identified, those actors, with the parts now. So it would be a tall task, but I also would have said before "First Class" there would be no way we could find actors who could stand alongside Ian McKellen and Patrick Stewart, and I think we managed to with Michael and James finding their own interpretation of the characters, not doing an impersonation. So, are we going to have to recast? If some of those characters were in the movie we would, but we'll see."
Despite being purposefully vague about whether or not these characters could appear in the film, Kinberg has already mentioned previously that some of the original characters will be present for the next movie. It could be argued that he was referencing Hugh Jackman's Wolverine or perhaps Patrick Stewart's Charles Xavier, but given director Bryan Singer was quoted as saying he wanted to introduce "familiar characters at different ages" in the film, it seems likely we'll be seeing younger versions of the original cast.
These are some really interesting comments. I agree that some of the "future" mutants probably won't be in this film simply because of the time period in which the film takes place in, but if they decide to bring the current First Class cast into the present, then would could see a few "future mutants. I also agree with the studio recasting characters with younger actors simply again because of the time period. I'd really like to see the older and lesser used cast members come back, but I understand why they may not/will not.
Many fans' prayers were answered last Friday when 20th Century Fox not only announced that the long gestating Deadpool film was coming but that they had given it a release date. Now, Schmoes Know brings word on something that might make the fans of the Merc with a mouth a little disappointed - the film's rating. "I heard from the director (Tim Miller) that they finally figured out the script, and it was right before this was announced, that they figured out, and you guys are all going to hate this, that they figured out how to make it PG-13 and therefore not lose its soul - that's a quote - of the script so they can make it." Ryan Reynolds is expected to return as Wade Wilson for the upcoming film which has director Tim Miller at the helm and a script by Zombieland writers Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick. Deadpool is currently set for release on February 12, 2016.
This ins't really that surprising. I understand why Fox doesn't want the film to be R simply because of the amount of money the could potentially lose simply from a rating. Look do I want a rated R Deadpool movie... yes, but I'm ok with it being PG-13 especially since the test footage that was released and guess what it was PG-13 so i'm ok with this.
On the heels of this weekend's news that Matt Damon is looking at headlining Zhang Yimou's The Great Wall, comes word, via Deadline, that Bryan Cranston is himself considering a role in the project. The Great Wall is set to tell the story about the mystery behind China's most famous landmark and how it was built with Legendary's Thomas Tull producing alongside Chuck Roven (The Dark Knight), Jon Jashni and Alex Gartner and Peter Loehr and Jillian Share executive producing.
This is awesome to hear. Bryan Cranston is an amazing actor and putting him an Matt Damon together is amazing. The film also sounds really interesting so I'm pretty excited to see these two on screen together.
So there you have it ladies and gentlemen, which of these stories peaked your interest or was there another story that interested you? Let me know in the comments section below and let your voice be heard.
Jonah Sparks
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