So I recently watched Risen and I'm here to bring you my review. So without further ado.............

Roman military tribune Clavius (played by Joseph Fiennes) remains set in his ways after serving 25 years in the army. He arrives at a crossroad when he's tasked to investigate the mystery of what happened to Jesus (played by Cliff Curtis) following the Crucifixion. Accompanied by trusted aide Lucius (played by Tom Felton), his quest to disprove rumors of a risen Messiah makes him question his own beliefs and spirituality. As his journey takes him to places never dreamed of, Clavius discovers the truth that he's been seeking.
This was actually a really interesting film. Most religious films always try to beat home the same message over and over without really developing a good story or characters. They also tend to stay to one side of the story and almost bash people who aren't believers which really just pushes away a possible new audience. This film doesn't do that at all and it really tries to cater to a lot of different people. The film does a great job of showing how a somewhat non-believer can literally go through an investigation of whether Jesus is The Messiah or just an average dude and then just start to see everything come together for what he really is. Joseph Fiennes does a really great job in this film and it's great to see him back on the big screen especially in a film like this. One things that's never really said positively great about these types of films is how the film looks and this film is gorgeous in every way possible and it really just makes you feel that you are in this time period with the characters. There are a few slow moments in the story that get boring or seem forced and repetitive. Also the film does get emotional at times and they are at the perfect time, but they often go on too long and just become somewhat overwhelming. Overall this is a film for everyone including nonbelievers and it's one you should check out. I give Risen a 7 out of 10.
So ladies and gentlemen what did you think of Risen, what would you rate it and what did you think of my review? Let me know in the comments section below and let your voice be heard.
Jonah Sparks
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