So I recently watched Hail, Caesar! and I'm here to bring you my review. So without further ado...

In the early 1950s, Eddie Mannix (played by Josh Brolin) is busy at work trying to solve all the problems of the actors and filmmakers at Capitol Pictures. His latest assignments involve a disgruntled director (played by Ralph Finnes), a singing cowboy (played by Alden Ehrenreich), a beautiful swimmer (played by Scarlett Johansson) and a handsome dancer (played by Channing Tatum). As if all this wasn't enough, Mannix faces his biggest challenge when Baird Whitlock (played by George Clooney) gets kidnapped while in costume for the swords-and-sandals epic "Hail, Caesar!" If the studio doesn't pay $100,000, it's the end of the line for the movie star.
This was a really disappointing film. This was a film a lot of people (including myself) were looking forward to simply because The Coen Brothers are the best directing/writing duo of all-time and generally every film they have made has been a massive hit and left it's mark on film history due to the way they tell stories. This film is not like the rest and it may be their worst effort yet. The film is a great tribute to the early films of the 1950's which to be honest the 50's might be the worst decade for films and there were a lot of were really bad and in a way it shows that as well as the behind the scenes which was really interesting because we often don't get to see that aspect especially from some of the early days of filmmaking. The story however just doesn't make sense and The Coen Brothers usually have a certain style and it just doesn't work well with the material. The film just doesn't have a lot of cohesiveness to it and while it presents an issue that was very prominent back in that time and it just gets pushed to the side for a bunch of other sub-plot material that just doesn't gel well at all. The performances are really great and Josh Brolin really just takes control of the film and you really just get attached to his character and George Clooney gives a pretty comedic performance as well and it would've been nice to see those two on screen together more. The comedy is a signature of any Coen brothers film (aside from No Country for Old Men) and it works for this film as well and there are just a lot of great moments and a few little jabs at the way Hollywood is toady and how it was back in the 1950's. Overall the film is a real disappointment coming from two of the best directors in the business and the story is just a jumbled mess that doesn't make a whole lot of sense, but the performances are enough for the film to be watchable.
So ladies and gentlemen what did you think Hail, Caesar!, what would you rate it and what did you think of my review? Let me know in the comments section below and let your voice be heard.
Jonah Sparks
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