Monday, October 19, 2015

Special Movie News Blog: 3rd Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens Trailer Released

        Earlier tonight druing halftime of ESPN'S Monday Night Football game, the third and final trailer was released for Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens. So since a lot of movie news hasn't come out today and because it's Star Wars, I thought I would take a little time and talk about this new trailer. So without further ado...

Here is the new trailer

        This was the perfect trailer to finish with. It had everything you needed to see to get absolutely excited to see the newest installment in the Star Wars franchise. Now that the trailer has come out expect to see a the marketing push begin within the next couple of weeks. It's everything I wanted to see and December 18th cannot come soon enough. To really explain this trailer I'm going to have to go scene by scene.

        The first few shots are of Rey as she is salvaging parts off the the fallen ships on the planet of Jakku which is coo in itself and the shots look absolutely beautiful. The next one is just a simple shot of Rey and BB-8 walking through the sands. I also like the voice-over by Lupita Nyong'o's character of asking who she is and Rey replying she's no one and that statement could mean two things. One she is just saying she is nothing or two she could be hiding something. Then we see Rey looking at a ship taking off and this could be her two moons moment that Luke had in Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope.

        Then we get a nice shot of the First Order with a little bit of a voice in the background almost and it's still clouded in mystery of who is talking to the legion of stormtroopers. Then we focus on John Boyega's character Finn and we get another glimpse of him taking off the stormtrooper helmet. Then we see what appears to be his tie-fighter crashing and that is a really nice shot. His voice-over also gives away a couple of details in the sense that he said he was raised to do one thing and that probably means he's been on the Empire's side his entire life and now that he's not apart of it anymore, then he has nothing to fight for.

        Then we get what is probably my favorite part of the trailer which is we finally get to hear Kylo Ren's voice in a trailer and then we also get him looking at the burnt helmet of Darth Vader, which if you've seen the concept art then you knew that was happening and I also guessed it was him back in the last trailer. The quotes can also mean a few things. On one hand when he says I want to finish what you started, it makes me think that either he knows who and what Darth Vader was and did or it could mean that Darth Vader is his grandfather and he's heard the stories and if Kylo Ren is indeed a version of Jacen Solo (one of Han and Leia's twins in the novels). Then we see Kylo Ren using the force on Poe Dameron which is kinda cool in way, but I'm very curious as to how he got in that situation. Then we get shot of what looks like to be a nuclear blast or we could be seeing a planet be destroyed.

        Then we get to see the Millennium Falcon in action with a voice-over from Rey as she talks to Han Solo about the past events in the Original Trilogy. It almost seems like everything that happened in that trilogy is a myth to the current generation and that could be a play towards the current moviegoing audience who have never seen the original films. Then we get a cool shot of the Falcon going through hyperspace which if you've seen the newest Star Trek films then you know J.J. Abrams did the same thing in those movies during warp speed. The trailer continues to show us different action scenes with Han continuing the voice-over from the previous big scene. What really caught my eye was the fact when Han says the word "Jedi" the trailer is solely focused on Finn which is foreshadowing at its finest.

        We continue to see other various action shots and we get to see two other shots that we saw in the previous trailer. Then we see Rey crying over something or someone and in my theory it might be Han because I think he'll die in this film, but it's just speculation at this point. Lupita Nyong'o begins another voice-over with her saying the force is calling you which will lead into a scene later in the trailer. We get to see an Ice Planet which may be a return visit to Hoth it could be the planet where the First Order is stationed at. Then we continue to get more action shots and we get our first look at Liea and she is in Han's arms looking like she is seeing him for the first time in a long time or that she is scared or both.

        To finish off the trailer we get a shot of Finn with a lightsaber which was shown in a short clip released back on Force Friday and it continues to be on a snowy planet which this battle could take place on the same planet as the Ice planet mentioned earlier just in the woods. It also continues the first ever shot we got of Kylo Ren in the first teaser when he revealed the new lightsaber. The voice-over from Lupita continues and she says to the force is calling you let it in and again the trailer focuses on Finn and then the trialer ends and I begin to cry like a little baby.

        Overall this was a great trailer and again it didn't show any of the plot whatsoever which is great because we still don't know the basic premise of the film which I'm fine with. everyday we get closer and closer and you can bet that I'll be there on opening night.

        So ladies and gentlemen what are some of your thoughts on the trailer, did it get you excited for the new movie and are you looking forward to Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens? Let me know in the comments section below and let your voice be heard.

                                                                                                                           Jonah Sparks

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