So I recently watched I Saw the Light and I'm here to bring you my review. So without further ado...

Singer and songwriter Hank Williams (played by Tom Hiddleston) rises to fame in the 1940s, but alcohol abuse and infidelity take a toll on his career and marriage to fellow musician Audrey Mae Williams (played by Elizabeth Olsen).
This was a terribly disappointing film. Hank Williams is one of the more interesting figures to have a bio-pic done about mainly because he went through a lot of stuff in his short-lived life and the film covers a lot of the major points of his life, but there is no build to them. It just feels like a bunch of scenes put together. Tom Hiddelston is the best part of the film and he was perfect as Hank Williams, but he just looks really uncomfortable with the material he was given. The rest of the cast is just brutal and you don't care about anything they do throughout the film. It feels like a big-time paint by numbers film where everything you have in a bio-pic is present and it all just feels like reused material. Going back to Hiddelston, he does a great job of singing like Williams and you almost can't tell the difference. The film is also depressing which is a reflection of everything going on behind the scenes of Williams's life, but the depressing moments are just too much and they happen far too often. Overall this was a film with a lot of potential to really dive deep into the life of Hank Williams, but we don't really get that and instead we just get scene after scene with no emotional interest involved. I give I Saw the Light a 1 out of 10.
So ladies and gentlemen what did you think of I Saw the Light, what would you rate it and what did you think of my review? Let me know in the comments section below and let your voice be heard.
Jonah Sparks

Singer and songwriter Hank Williams (played by Tom Hiddleston) rises to fame in the 1940s, but alcohol abuse and infidelity take a toll on his career and marriage to fellow musician Audrey Mae Williams (played by Elizabeth Olsen).
This was a terribly disappointing film. Hank Williams is one of the more interesting figures to have a bio-pic done about mainly because he went through a lot of stuff in his short-lived life and the film covers a lot of the major points of his life, but there is no build to them. It just feels like a bunch of scenes put together. Tom Hiddelston is the best part of the film and he was perfect as Hank Williams, but he just looks really uncomfortable with the material he was given. The rest of the cast is just brutal and you don't care about anything they do throughout the film. It feels like a big-time paint by numbers film where everything you have in a bio-pic is present and it all just feels like reused material. Going back to Hiddelston, he does a great job of singing like Williams and you almost can't tell the difference. The film is also depressing which is a reflection of everything going on behind the scenes of Williams's life, but the depressing moments are just too much and they happen far too often. Overall this was a film with a lot of potential to really dive deep into the life of Hank Williams, but we don't really get that and instead we just get scene after scene with no emotional interest involved. I give I Saw the Light a 1 out of 10.
So ladies and gentlemen what did you think of I Saw the Light, what would you rate it and what did you think of my review? Let me know in the comments section below and let your voice be heard.
Jonah Sparks
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