So I recently watched Gold and I'm here to bring you my review. So without further ado...............

Kenny Wells (played by Matthew McConaughey), a prospector desperate for a lucky break, teams up with a similarly eager geologist and sets off on an amazing journey to find gold in the uncharted jungle of Indonesia. Getting the gold was hard but keeping it is even more difficult, sparking an adventure through the most powerful boardrooms of Wall Street.
This film has a really cool story to learn about, but the story is pretty boring. The film is based off a true story about Bre-X and how they were able to get away with fake gold and sell it for profit and forcing the price of gold to skyrocket to new heights it had never seen before. As mentioned before, it's something cool to learn about being that it's not mentioned much when it comes to massive scandals but it still holds a place in history and this film would've been better as a documentary. For this they had to change the name of the actual people involved and that right there just lets you know that you're not getting the full product. The performances however are great and McConaughey continues his upward trend as a very reliable and viable actor that you want in your films. Edgar Ramirez is perfect in main supporting role and he himself his becoming a better actor with each and every film. The film really struggles with what it wants to be as it transitions between both a comedy and a drama and when it does that it tends to be serious when it should be funny and it tires to be funny in serious moments. One of the big contributors to that is director Stephen Gaghan who is making his first film in over a decade and it really shows just how rusty he is in trying to make this film. Overall this film has a great concept and some great performances, but overall it has just some really poor execution and not knowing what it really wants to be hurts as well. I give Gold a 3 out of 10.
So ladies and gentlemen what did you think of Gold, what would you rate it and what did you think of my review? Let me know in the comments section below and let your voice be heard.
Jonah Sparks

Kenny Wells (played by Matthew McConaughey), a prospector desperate for a lucky break, teams up with a similarly eager geologist and sets off on an amazing journey to find gold in the uncharted jungle of Indonesia. Getting the gold was hard but keeping it is even more difficult, sparking an adventure through the most powerful boardrooms of Wall Street.
This film has a really cool story to learn about, but the story is pretty boring. The film is based off a true story about Bre-X and how they were able to get away with fake gold and sell it for profit and forcing the price of gold to skyrocket to new heights it had never seen before. As mentioned before, it's something cool to learn about being that it's not mentioned much when it comes to massive scandals but it still holds a place in history and this film would've been better as a documentary. For this they had to change the name of the actual people involved and that right there just lets you know that you're not getting the full product. The performances however are great and McConaughey continues his upward trend as a very reliable and viable actor that you want in your films. Edgar Ramirez is perfect in main supporting role and he himself his becoming a better actor with each and every film. The film really struggles with what it wants to be as it transitions between both a comedy and a drama and when it does that it tends to be serious when it should be funny and it tires to be funny in serious moments. One of the big contributors to that is director Stephen Gaghan who is making his first film in over a decade and it really shows just how rusty he is in trying to make this film. Overall this film has a great concept and some great performances, but overall it has just some really poor execution and not knowing what it really wants to be hurts as well. I give Gold a 3 out of 10.
So ladies and gentlemen what did you think of Gold, what would you rate it and what did you think of my review? Let me know in the comments section below and let your voice be heard.
Jonah Sparks