On Monday during halftime of Monday Night Football the second and final trailer was released for Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi. Being a massive fan of Star Wars and after taking a couple of days of watching the trailer over and over and analyzing it, I thought I would take a little time and talk about this new trailer and discuss my theories and speculation for the film. So without further ado...
Here is the new trailer
Here is the new trailer
What can I say ither than wow, I mean this trailer has everything you need to get excited for this film if you weren't already excited for it. It reveals a lot of new information and is leaving some scratching their heads as to hat could possibly go down in The Last Jedi.
Ok so we first get a glimpse of Kylo Ren looking through a window at some sort of production facility or it could a look at the same hangar that we get to see later on in the trailer, but anyway a cool from behind shot of Kylo Ren who is at the top of most people's hate list. In this scene as well we begin to hear Supreme Leader Snoke begin his voice over and while it seems like he is actually talking to Kylo Ren, he is more than likely talking to Rey if you connect his entire speech in the trailer in another scene later on. Next we get a shot of AT-M6's (which is a better version of the AT-AT as you can see by it's edges on it's legs so it can't be taken down by a cable as it would cut the cable in half. Also we get a look at Kylo Ren's ship flying high above them as they head towards the Resistance base and yes the scene is awfully similar to the Battle of Hoth from Empire Strikes Back. As the scene previously implies, in the very next scene we see Kylo Ren walk into the base with a band of storm troopers and this is very similar shot of Vader walking into the Hoth Base and as well as the when Anakin is walking into the Jedi Temple from Revenge of the Sith before his showdown with Obi-Wan. With these scenes I feel that this is either going to take place later in the film and it does connect well with the space battle scenes and the Millennium Falcon scene later on.
In the next shot we see Kylo Ren kneeling down and one can assume he is kneeling before Snoke as he is receiving either hat his next mission is or to just have a normal conversation with him as we sa in a couple of scenes in The Force Awakens. He then picks up his lightsaber which looks to have gotten a minor upgrade in the color of it as it looks more black than the previous one. Next we get Rey igniting Luke's lightsaber after Snoke finishes talking which is not a coincidence in the least little bit before we get the Lucasfilm logo and new piece of music from John Williams which sounds amazing. Next we get the overhead shot of Anch-To that e got in the previous trailer and a few new angles of the meeting between Rey and Luke when she hands him the lightsaber and we also begin to get a narration from Rey which if you pay attention to how it is structured, connects to some dialogue later on (I know I've said that a lot, but a lot of these scenes connect with one another). Then we get a shot of Rey walking towards a rock formation chi could lead to another scene later and this might also be her version of the cave scene from Empire and it could be her journey to find the mysterious bookshelf that we saw in both this trailer and the previous one. Then we get a closer look at the great far away shot we got of Rey training in the first one and it's synced up so well with the music. We get Luke's reaction to Rey's powers and he looks absolutely terrified as evident by the next shot and the dialogue he speaks. I personally think he is talking about Kylo Ren when it comes to the raw strength he's seen before and now that he knows what can happen with that strength,it terrifies him into possibly not wanting to train Rey. In that we also get a shot of Luke raising his hand from the rubble of the Jedi Temple where the Knights of Ren or The First Order themselves destroyed the place and thought they took Luke with it.
Next we get Kylo beginning his narration and we see him smash his helmet (which we saw the aftermath of in the first trailer) and he says "Let the past die, kill it", I'm thinking he could possibly be talking to Rey or even Luke for that matter, but I think he's talking to Leia and I think him smashing his helmet is a sign of him not completing the mission to kill his mother and being forced to deal with the consequences from Snoke. next we see Kylo Ren in his Tie-Silencer and as he's flying, you can tell that that gene comes from both his father and grandfather and he looks like he took a few tips from daddy. Then we of course see Carrie Fisher which after her death, it feels so heartbreaking to see her and she looks so good in the film so far. We get a mislead of Kylo Ren realizing he's targeting his mother and we see the conflict inside of him on whether he should or shouldn't do it and as mentioned before, he targets other First Order Tie-Fighters and let's his mother go free. next we get a look at the Millennium Falcon as it flies through the depths of Crait and we can tell it's Crait by the red stones falling all around it which is what lies beneath the top soil of the planet. In the next shot we get my favorite character aboard "his ship" now and he's brought along a furry companion known as a Porg and my goodness does it look cute and you can bet that a lot of plush toys will be sold. Then we go back to the space battle and I think the next couple of shots in space are connected and they seem to hint at either the end of the film or the beginning because we've heard rumors through the grapevine that at a certain point of the film, Leia gets hurt and it forced the resistance to head to Canto Bright and meet Laura Dern's character and possibly DJ, played by Benicio del Toro. We also hear Poe giving some sort of speech and it may be his speech to the Resistance before they head into battle.
Next we get a shot of Finn and Captain Phasma going at it and from all indications, Phasma will have a bigger role in this film and I can't wait to see her come after Finn after he humiliated her in The Force Awakens. This scenes is also going to be very important and it stems from the fact that Finn and Rose will be undercover First Order Officers and they could be trying to sabotage a ship or base to help The Resistance gain an advantage. The we get a shot of Luke in the rain and this connects to the scene where Rey is heading towards the rock formation and the cave and in the scene Luke is telling her that this training isn't going the way you think it will and that could lead him to say the famous line from the last trailer that the Jedi should end. Then we go back to Crait and see both Leia and Silver fox looking creature and I'm not for sure what the name of them are but they do look great and they probably have a big connection to the planet Crait. Again we get shot of Luke and Rey after a training session in a cave with Luke giving her the look of I don't know if I can train you. Then we get a few quick shots of Finn looking as if he's been captured and the base that Kylo Ren was looking at at the beginning of the trailer and that's probably where Finn is as well and we get a couple of more shots of the Battle of Crait. Over all of this we get to hear Snoke again and he is continuing his dialogue from earlier and then we get the in the flesh reveal of Snoke and he looks so awesome and I can't wait to see more of him in the full body form and from rumors he could potentially be 7 feet tall. With that it looks as if he is torturing Rey possibly through Force manipulation where he is trying to show her all the bad things that will come if she continues to stay on the light side of the force and may be convince her to go bad. Finally we get to the part that everyone is talking about and it's Rey talking to someone and with the next shot some think it is Kylo Ren, but I firmly believe this is a massive misdirection and it was cut this way to leave you in shock and awe, but I think it is Rey continuing her dialogue from earlier in the film and she is talking to Luke at a campfire of sorts and trying to convince him to train her because she wants to know her place in the world. The Shot of Kylo Ren is also lit differently than the Rey scene and I think he might be talking to her and he might be trying to come back to the light side after he realizes what Snoke is trying to do to him.
And there you have it ladies and gentlemen, yes the review and breakdown is a lot to read, but it is necessary when you get so much new information and visuals to look at and dissect. As mentioned before the trailer looks fabulous and December cannot get here quick enough. As mentioned as well the new poster was released and you can see it below...

So ladies and gentlemen what are you thoughts, theories and speculation after seeing this new trailer, are you excited for The Last Jedi and have you bought your tickets yet? I know I have. Let me know in the comments section below and let your voice be heard.
Jonah Sparks
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