So I recently watched The Circle and I'm here to bring you my review. So without further ado......

Mae Holland (played by Emma Watson) seizes the opportunity of a lifetime when she lands a job with the world's most powerful technology and social media company. Encouraged by the company's founder (played by Tom Hanks), Mae joins a groundbreaking experiment that pushes the boundaries of privacy, ethics and personal freedom. Her participation in the experiment, and every decision she makes soon starts to affect the lives and futures of her friends, family and that of humanity.
This might be one of the dumber films to have come out this year. This is a film that looked absolutely promising mainly due to it's stellar cast of Emma Watson, John Boyega and Tom Hanks, but it just falls flat in every aspect possible. For a plot, the film has a really interesting one and it's something that has been done before, but it had a little bit more intrigue because it fell inline with what our society tries to do on a daily basis by inventing new technology. Now the idea of inventing a brand new technology that looks directly into your own personal life with no remorse is a horrible idea and yet no one in the film questions it making everyone looks so dumb. Performance wise, the main trio is ok, but they aren't really giving their best effort in the film mainly due to not having nothing to really work with. One of the biggest letdowns is the fact that a talented guy like John Boyega is barely used in the film and when he does show up, his character serves almost no purpose to the film when he is fully meant to be a much bigger part as his character was in the book. Within the story, there are a lot of twists and turns and when it ventures toward side plots within the film, it barely focuses on those aspects and an actual explanation might have helped shed more light on the overall big picture. As mentioned before the film is nothing original and the ending is so predictable, but even then it feels like the filmmakers just shoe-horned in something because they didn't know where and how to end the film. Overall this film had a lot potential with such a great and talented cast and squanders all of that whilst having one of the more interesting plots of the year and it does present some great ideas, but can't fully execute on them. I give The Circle a 2 out of 10.
So ladies and gentlemen what did you think of The Circle, what would you rate it and what did you think of my review? Let me know in the comments section below and let your voice be heard.
Jonah Sparks

Mae Holland (played by Emma Watson) seizes the opportunity of a lifetime when she lands a job with the world's most powerful technology and social media company. Encouraged by the company's founder (played by Tom Hanks), Mae joins a groundbreaking experiment that pushes the boundaries of privacy, ethics and personal freedom. Her participation in the experiment, and every decision she makes soon starts to affect the lives and futures of her friends, family and that of humanity.
This might be one of the dumber films to have come out this year. This is a film that looked absolutely promising mainly due to it's stellar cast of Emma Watson, John Boyega and Tom Hanks, but it just falls flat in every aspect possible. For a plot, the film has a really interesting one and it's something that has been done before, but it had a little bit more intrigue because it fell inline with what our society tries to do on a daily basis by inventing new technology. Now the idea of inventing a brand new technology that looks directly into your own personal life with no remorse is a horrible idea and yet no one in the film questions it making everyone looks so dumb. Performance wise, the main trio is ok, but they aren't really giving their best effort in the film mainly due to not having nothing to really work with. One of the biggest letdowns is the fact that a talented guy like John Boyega is barely used in the film and when he does show up, his character serves almost no purpose to the film when he is fully meant to be a much bigger part as his character was in the book. Within the story, there are a lot of twists and turns and when it ventures toward side plots within the film, it barely focuses on those aspects and an actual explanation might have helped shed more light on the overall big picture. As mentioned before the film is nothing original and the ending is so predictable, but even then it feels like the filmmakers just shoe-horned in something because they didn't know where and how to end the film. Overall this film had a lot potential with such a great and talented cast and squanders all of that whilst having one of the more interesting plots of the year and it does present some great ideas, but can't fully execute on them. I give The Circle a 2 out of 10.
So ladies and gentlemen what did you think of The Circle, what would you rate it and what did you think of my review? Let me know in the comments section below and let your voice be heard.
Jonah Sparks
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