While there have been a lot of great films in 2014, there have been a lot of really terrible films. Now one missing film form the list is Transformers: Age of Extinction simply because there were a lot of films that were way worse than this one, but I still hated the film. With that being said I'm going to bring you my top 10 least favorite films of 2014. So without further ado...
10. Walk of Shame

When you first look at this film you think Elizabeth Banks (who is hilarious) and James Marsden (who is very talented) plus writer/director Steven Brill (who wrote lot of films I really enjoy like The Mighty Ducks franchise and Little Nicky plus he also directed Little Nicky, Mr. Deeds, Heavyweights and Without a Paddle) and you think to yourself how can this film be horrible. Well everything that could go wrong did. The jokes in the film are not funny whatsoever, the story is all over the place and the acting is just horrible. I honestly don't know how I made it through the film.
9. Left Behind

When I first heard about a remake of the Kirk Cameron film (which I really enjoyed), I was a little skeptical, but I thought I would be reassured that it would be at least decent when Nicholas Cage was announced as the lead. Wow was I wrong and thoroughly offended. Now I get that people are going to have different interpretations of the Apocalypse, but this one completely trashes the ideas and beliefs of Christians and other religions alike. The acting is horrible and the visual effects look second-rate. The original film may not be the greatest film in the world, but at least it stayed true to the core story.
8. Addicted

This film had a really talented cast of young African-Americans that have bright futures ahead of them. But this film was a bad start for a lot of them. I mean the film borrows its plot from a lot of different films and it just never really comes together and the acting is just atrocious and I kind of feel sorry for everyone involved.
7. Ouija

When I first heard about the film, I finally came to the realization that Hollywood has run out of ideas. Now granted there are a lot of original films, but most don't check them out. Anyway back to this pile of trash. The film just puts a lot of different storyline together and it all gets jumbled up and then they try to introduce a couple plots after the original plot is over with and it's just a terrible and not a very scary film,
6. Annie (2014)

As you all know I am ok with films getting remade beacuse it's always nice to see a story refreshed. after seeing this film I no longer want to see another remake. This film does a complete injustice to the musical and the 1982 (film) and the singing is just god-awful. I mean you can easily the auto-tone that was used over the voices which just make the film unauthentic. Originally Willow Smith was going to play the role of Annie (only because mommy and daddy produced the film with Jay-Z) and she knew how bad the film was going to be so she got out of dodge as quickly as possible.
5. The Other Woman

When you think of Cameron Diaz and Leslie Mann in a film together you would think that the film would at least be somewhat funny and in fact it is highly offensive and mean. Listen I understand the story and I get that if a guy cheats on you with other women, then the woman in the relationship has the right to be mad, but not the right to ruin someone's life. Anyway that's just a personal issue I had with the film. But in all honesty Kate Upton can't act and she was just brought on to be the young attractive female and to jiggle her tits a little as well (not saying I didn't like that) and the two main stars who you expect to be funny look like women facing mid-life crises and feel the need for attention.
4. The Legend of Hercules

When you are given a such a rich mythology like Hercules you should never put out a horrible pile of trash like this one. I mean the film ignores everything about the character of Hercules and the filmmakers tried to make mythological version of Gladiator. Kellan Lutz has the ability to be a major star, but he needs to make better film choices. The effects are just horrible and the acting is just miserable and the film is just a 1 1/2 hour borefest. I was wondering if a film from the beginning of the year was going to make the top 10 and this film was the one.
3. Into the Storm

When I first saw the trailer for the film I immediately thought of the film Twister (which is an amazing film) and in the back of my mind I was wanting this one to be the modern day version of that film and in reality we get the complete opposite. I mean the visual effects of the tornadoes look unrealistic and the tornadoes on Sharknado are better than this film. The film also has a really talented cast, but they are wooden and dull that when someone dies in the film I laughed which shouldn't happen. It tries to be a disaster film (and it is but in a different sense) and it turns out to be a pretty decent comedy/
2. The Pyramid

We've all seen this type of film before, a group of people go to a spooky and haunted place and ignore everything negative that has been said about the place and it's all caught on a handheld camera that makes the film be "found footage". Now I will say that As Above So Below did hurt this film because they are the exact same film just in a different location. But still this film is just awful and it relies too much on the cheap scares and it's predictable from the word go.
1. The Best of Me

Well we have finally made it to my biggest piece of garbage of the year. As a few of you know I have read all of the books from Nicholas Sparks (I've had a lot of free time in my life) and reading these stories you do imagine what it would be like to see them put on the big screen, but when you come to the realization that they are all the same exact story you immediately retract everything you ever thought about the books. Also a little side note Paul walker was supposed to be in the film before tragically passing away last year and being replaced by James Marsden and to be truthful I wish he would have lived so that this film could've been way better than it ended up being.
So ladies and gentlemen there you have it my top 10 least favorite films of 2014. What some of your least favorite films of 2014 and what do you think of my list? Let me know in the comments section below and let your voice be heard.
Jonah Sparks
10. Walk of Shame
When you first look at this film you think Elizabeth Banks (who is hilarious) and James Marsden (who is very talented) plus writer/director Steven Brill (who wrote lot of films I really enjoy like The Mighty Ducks franchise and Little Nicky plus he also directed Little Nicky, Mr. Deeds, Heavyweights and Without a Paddle) and you think to yourself how can this film be horrible. Well everything that could go wrong did. The jokes in the film are not funny whatsoever, the story is all over the place and the acting is just horrible. I honestly don't know how I made it through the film.
9. Left Behind
When I first heard about a remake of the Kirk Cameron film (which I really enjoyed), I was a little skeptical, but I thought I would be reassured that it would be at least decent when Nicholas Cage was announced as the lead. Wow was I wrong and thoroughly offended. Now I get that people are going to have different interpretations of the Apocalypse, but this one completely trashes the ideas and beliefs of Christians and other religions alike. The acting is horrible and the visual effects look second-rate. The original film may not be the greatest film in the world, but at least it stayed true to the core story.
8. Addicted
This film had a really talented cast of young African-Americans that have bright futures ahead of them. But this film was a bad start for a lot of them. I mean the film borrows its plot from a lot of different films and it just never really comes together and the acting is just atrocious and I kind of feel sorry for everyone involved.
7. Ouija
When I first heard about the film, I finally came to the realization that Hollywood has run out of ideas. Now granted there are a lot of original films, but most don't check them out. Anyway back to this pile of trash. The film just puts a lot of different storyline together and it all gets jumbled up and then they try to introduce a couple plots after the original plot is over with and it's just a terrible and not a very scary film,
6. Annie (2014)
As you all know I am ok with films getting remade beacuse it's always nice to see a story refreshed. after seeing this film I no longer want to see another remake. This film does a complete injustice to the musical and the 1982 (film) and the singing is just god-awful. I mean you can easily the auto-tone that was used over the voices which just make the film unauthentic. Originally Willow Smith was going to play the role of Annie (only because mommy and daddy produced the film with Jay-Z) and she knew how bad the film was going to be so she got out of dodge as quickly as possible.
5. The Other Woman
When you think of Cameron Diaz and Leslie Mann in a film together you would think that the film would at least be somewhat funny and in fact it is highly offensive and mean. Listen I understand the story and I get that if a guy cheats on you with other women, then the woman in the relationship has the right to be mad, but not the right to ruin someone's life. Anyway that's just a personal issue I had with the film. But in all honesty Kate Upton can't act and she was just brought on to be the young attractive female and to jiggle her tits a little as well (not saying I didn't like that) and the two main stars who you expect to be funny look like women facing mid-life crises and feel the need for attention.
4. The Legend of Hercules
When you are given a such a rich mythology like Hercules you should never put out a horrible pile of trash like this one. I mean the film ignores everything about the character of Hercules and the filmmakers tried to make mythological version of Gladiator. Kellan Lutz has the ability to be a major star, but he needs to make better film choices. The effects are just horrible and the acting is just miserable and the film is just a 1 1/2 hour borefest. I was wondering if a film from the beginning of the year was going to make the top 10 and this film was the one.
3. Into the Storm
When I first saw the trailer for the film I immediately thought of the film Twister (which is an amazing film) and in the back of my mind I was wanting this one to be the modern day version of that film and in reality we get the complete opposite. I mean the visual effects of the tornadoes look unrealistic and the tornadoes on Sharknado are better than this film. The film also has a really talented cast, but they are wooden and dull that when someone dies in the film I laughed which shouldn't happen. It tries to be a disaster film (and it is but in a different sense) and it turns out to be a pretty decent comedy/
2. The Pyramid
We've all seen this type of film before, a group of people go to a spooky and haunted place and ignore everything negative that has been said about the place and it's all caught on a handheld camera that makes the film be "found footage". Now I will say that As Above So Below did hurt this film because they are the exact same film just in a different location. But still this film is just awful and it relies too much on the cheap scares and it's predictable from the word go.
1. The Best of Me
Well we have finally made it to my biggest piece of garbage of the year. As a few of you know I have read all of the books from Nicholas Sparks (I've had a lot of free time in my life) and reading these stories you do imagine what it would be like to see them put on the big screen, but when you come to the realization that they are all the same exact story you immediately retract everything you ever thought about the books. Also a little side note Paul walker was supposed to be in the film before tragically passing away last year and being replaced by James Marsden and to be truthful I wish he would have lived so that this film could've been way better than it ended up being.
So ladies and gentlemen there you have it my top 10 least favorite films of 2014. What some of your least favorite films of 2014 and what do you think of my list? Let me know in the comments section below and let your voice be heard.
Jonah Sparks
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