This major motion picture event -- an experience created to be shared among families and communities across the U.S. -- brings the story of Jesus’ life to audiences through compelling cinematic storytelling that is both powerful and inspirational.
Alright before I get into my review I want to say that I am a christian, I believe in god's holy word and i am an active member in my church and that this review was really hard to do and because I didn't want to offend someone and if I do I am truly sorry. With that being said this film is pretty bad. Now I will say that this film has probably been the best and most portrayal of Jesus's life on earth and brings across a great message. But since I am reviewing a film I have to look at negative aspects (none of which pertain to the story) and this film has some negatives. I thought the visuals in the film were horrible, I thought the acting was terrible and it felt like a TV movie (and yes I know it was based off of the TV miniseries The Bible) and I feel that the film would have worked better on TV that way more people could see it and not have to spend gas money to get to and from the theater and not spend almost $100 to see a film that could have easily worked on the small screen. But overall I enjoyed the story and it was a great portrayal of Jesus's life Overall i give Son of God a 5 out of 10 and I highly recommend that Sunday School teachers show this to their classes at least once a year.
So ladies and gentlemen what did you think of Son of God, what would you rate it and what did you think of my review? Let me know in the comments section and let your voice be heard.
Jonah Sparks
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