In 480 B.C. a state of war exists between Persia, led by King Xerxes (played by Rodrigo Santoro), and Greece. At the Battle of Thermopylae, Leonidas (played by Gerard Butler), king of the Greek city state of Sparta, leads his badly outnumbered warriors against the massive Persian army. Though certain death awaits the Spartans, their sacrifice inspires all of Greece to unite against their common enemy.
This film is absolutely amazing. It's action packed and wonderfully paced. Zack Snyder does a great a job of bringing Frank Miller's graphic novel to life by using a lot of the same scenes form the novel itself. The slow-mo fighting sequences are just really badass. Now while I say the film is wonderfully paced. I felt that the film should have been a little longer than its 1 hour and 57 minute run-time compared to Snyder's other graphic novel adaptation Watchmen which has 2 hours and 42 minutes run-time. Also the acting feels a little overdone and the plot seems a little flat. Overall this film is really well done and it is easily Snyder's best work to date. Overall I give 300 a 9 out of 10.
So ladies and gentlemen what did you think of 300, what would you score it and what did you think of my review? Let em know in the comments section below and let your voice be heard.
Jonah Sparks
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