10. The Purge-
When I first heard of the movie I thought that it could be an interesting movie and one that I would really enjoy, boy was I wrong. Now don't get me wrong the concept of having all laws being legal for 12 hours for one day out of the year is pretty scary to think about happening, but then I found out the movie mainly focused on one family instead of the purge itself I immediately knew that the movie was going to be awful. I'm not the only one that says this, it has a 38% rating on rottentomatoes.com (the most credible rating website in the world). The writers took an interesting premise and made it into a really crappy slasher horror film. Even though most critics hated it the movie has made $61.2 Million on a $3 million budget, and Universal Studios has already green lit a sequel in which I hope they focus more on The Purge itself instead of one family.
9. G.I Joe Retaliation-
This film is a sequel to the 2009's G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra. I loved the first film and though it was a good adaptation of G.I. Joe, but I immediately started to hat this movie within the first 30 minutes for one reason they kill off Duke (played by Channing Tatum) who was the best part of the first film within the first 30 minutes of the movie . I mean why kill off the main character of the first film when you could have killed off General Hawk (payed by Dennis Quaid in the first film) or why not kill off Ripcord (played by Marlon Waynes in the first film). The movie could have decent had they made Duke hellbent on revenge that he joins a new team of Joes and help destroy Cobra but no you kill Duke within 30 minutes of the film. Not only did I not like the film, it has a 28% rating on rottentomatoes.com.
8. Identity Thief-
Watch Planes ,Trains and Automobiles and Due Date (which are two way funnier movies that this pile of crap) if you want to see a movie about two people not wanting to be togehter on a road trip. All of the funny parts are in the trailer. The film has a 20% rating on rottentomatoes.com.
7. White House Down-
Watch Olympus Has Fallen for a better film abut a white house takeover. the film does however a 50% rating on rottentomatoes.com.
6. Evil Dead-
The original Evil Dead is on of my top 5 horror movies of all-time, but this remake fails in every way. The movie makes the characters look dumb and its like the writer of this movie just wanted to gross people out instead of really putting frightening images into our head that can last a lifetime. The film however does a 62% rating on rottentomatoes.com.
5. The Great Gatsby-
Now most of you all are going to hate me for putting this movie on this list and I can possibly understand why. For me the film felt really dull, the visual effects were completely overused and the felt longer than it should have been. The film got really annoying with Leonardo DiCaprio saying old-sport at least 250 times and also it did not need to be in 3D. I prefer the 1974 film version of the book. However the film has a 50% rating on rottentomatoes.com.
4. The Internship-
Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson are not funny at all, they haven't made a good movie since Wedding Crashers, the one liners are stupid, and the movie is just a complete ad for Google that lasts for an hour and a half. The film has 34% rating on rottentomatoes.com.
3. Scary Movie 5-
This film series should have stopped after Scary Movie 2 and 100% should have ended with Scary Movie 3. The film doesn't even feel like a Scary Movie film without Anna Farris playing the lead character, but we instead get Ashley Tisdale and thats about it. the film has a glorious 4% rating on rottentomatoes.com.
2. Movie 43-
A film about a bunch of sketch comedies that make absolutely no sense and it has a bunch of really talented A-List actors that did the movie just for a paycheck. The film has a 4% rating on rottentomatoes.com and has been considered universally the worst movie that has ever been made.
1. After Earth-
Ah another failed Will Smith movie. Will Smith literally only did this film because he wanted his son to become a big time star with this movie and it failed miserably in that respect. Me personally I have not been able to stand Will Smith for a while. I mean the last movie I really enjoyed with him in it was The Pursuit of Happiness and all of his films before that (except for Men In Black 2) but every movie after The Pursuit of Happiness has been a complete load of garbage and films that should not have been made. I also know that Will wants to make sure his son doesn't go off the deep end and ruin his career (like Miley Cyrus has done). But at some point Will is going to have to let his son go and be a successful actor on his own. Back to the movie it felt dull and it doesn't even feel like a survival movie at all and plus the film has the joy of working with such a wonderful (SARCASM) director M.Nigh Shyamalan ( who did actually bring us a good movie called The Sixth Sense). The film has an 11% rating on rottentomatoes.com.
So ladies and gentlemen what do you think of the list, do you agree or disagree, and what are your least favorite movies of 2013 so far? Let me know in the comments and let your voice be heard.
Jonah Sparks
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