Adam Sandler
We start off today with the Adam Sandler. Now we know that Sandler can be funny as he was once apart of Saturday Night Live and with such films as Billy Madison, Happy Gilmore, The Wedding Singer, and other movies. But too much comedy can be very boring to moviegoers, you sometimes need to change it up and go a dramatic route. Sandler has done this before by going from comedy to Punch Drunk Love (my favorite of his by the way) and Spanglish then back to comedy then to Reign Over me then comedy to Funny People (comedic-drama) to his present comedy gig. I feel that Sandler should flip all of this and he should do more dramatic roles because he's pretty good in them and maybe stick to being a producer in comedy films. In his dramatic roles he was considered an Oscar candidate in Punch Drunk Love and Reign Over Me. In his comedy films he is second in nominations at the Razzie Awards (worst movies of the year) for Worst Actor with 8 while winning 3. So my solution is more drama less comedy for Adam Sandler.
Will Smith
Now some of you are going to say that Will Smith doesn't need to be on this list. Well yes he does and I will tell you why. I will agree Smith has made some pretty good movies, but here recently he's been on a bit of a downhill slide. In reality his last good movie was The Pursuit of Happiness and ever since then his movies while they haven't been complete failures (except for After Earth) haven't been critically received well but most have been financial successes (Hancock and Seven Pounds) and some have had both good reception and good box offices (I Am Legend and Men In Black 3) but these films haven't been his best performances. I feel he should go back and do movies like Ali or The Pursuit of Happiness. Smith also needs to distance himself from his son Jaden, now I know that he wants his son to be successful and not turn out like a Miley Cyrus. My solution is that Will needs to let Jaden has to grow up sometime and Will needs to get back to his Academy Award nominating performances.
Johnny Depp
Yes I'm getting ready to pick on the Kentucky boy. Johnny Depp has given us some marvelous performances and has portrayed some pretty strange characters. Depp has shown his dramatic side in movies such as What's Eating Gilbert Grape, Donnie Brasco, Ed Wood and Finding Neverland. He has also shown us his crazy side in films such as The Pirates of The Caribbean franchise, Charlie and The Chocolate Factory, Alice in Wonderland, Dark Shadows and here recently The Lone Ranger. With all of this taken into consideration Depp has to stop being Jack Sparrow in every single movie he's in, each character he plays shows at least one quality of Jack Sparrow when he's not a Pirate. Depp like Sandler needs to get back to his dramatic roots. The guy does have acting chops and the ability to do other movies without having to play some silly character, he's been nominated for 2 Academy Awards for Best Actor (one of which was portraying Jack Sparrow in the first Pirates movie). My solution is that Depp needs to do more drama and needs to stop being Jack Sparrow in every single movie he his in.
So ladies and gentlemen what do you think about these actors, do they need to hit the reset button or are they just fine the way they are, and who are actors that you think need to hit the reset button? Let me know in the comments and let your voice be heard.
Jonah Sparks
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