So I recently watched A Cure for Wellness and I'm here to bring you my review. So without further ado...

A Wall Street stockbroker (played by Dane DeHaan) travels to a remote location in the Swiss Alps to retrieve his company's CEO (played by Harry Groener) from an idyllic but mysterious wellness center. He soon suspects that the miraculous treatments are not what they seem. His sanity is tested when he unravels the spa's terrifying secrets and finds himself diagnosed with the same curious illness that keeps all of the guests there longing for a cure.
This is a very strange and weird film. As a film concept this is one of the more intriguing ones of the year and it deals with a lot of varying issues and it tackles them well. The first few minutes of the film really grip you as you are getting ready to go on this journey with Dane DeHaan's character as he tires to fin his boss. Speaking of Dane DeHann, he gives a truly terrifying performance and he's really able to show his range as an actor. Gore Verbinski is a very great director who has hit a rut as of late, but this film will absolutely help climb back up the ladder as he does a great job using different and unique camera angles to get the perfect shot and it helps build the suspense on what we are going to see next. Visually the film is gorgeous and there are some pretty horrific moments that can leave you scared. There are some moments where the film does get slow and it can become confusing when it doesn't know where it wants to go, but when it does pick back up it keeps you on your toes. The ending of the film feels really corny and actually to put it bluntly the ending is quite stupid, but while being stupid it does hint at more of these films to come to go on another adventure with the characters. Another thing that hurts the film is the length and had the film been at least 50 minutes shorter (shaving 50 minutes off of a 146 minute runtime isn't too bad) then the film wouldn't have dragged on and it would've kept an upbeat pace to make the suspense come at you non-stop and you as an audience member would be more tense. Overall the film has a very interesting concept with a great standout performance from Dane DeHann, but the film drags on for too long, too many slow scenes that ruin tension and a pretty terrible ending make the film worse than it should've been. I give A Cure for Wellness a 5 out of 10.
So ladies and gentlemen what did you think of A Cure for Wellness, what would you rate it and what did you think of my review? Let me know in the comments section below and let your voice be heard.
Jonah Sparks

A Wall Street stockbroker (played by Dane DeHaan) travels to a remote location in the Swiss Alps to retrieve his company's CEO (played by Harry Groener) from an idyllic but mysterious wellness center. He soon suspects that the miraculous treatments are not what they seem. His sanity is tested when he unravels the spa's terrifying secrets and finds himself diagnosed with the same curious illness that keeps all of the guests there longing for a cure.
This is a very strange and weird film. As a film concept this is one of the more intriguing ones of the year and it deals with a lot of varying issues and it tackles them well. The first few minutes of the film really grip you as you are getting ready to go on this journey with Dane DeHaan's character as he tires to fin his boss. Speaking of Dane DeHann, he gives a truly terrifying performance and he's really able to show his range as an actor. Gore Verbinski is a very great director who has hit a rut as of late, but this film will absolutely help climb back up the ladder as he does a great job using different and unique camera angles to get the perfect shot and it helps build the suspense on what we are going to see next. Visually the film is gorgeous and there are some pretty horrific moments that can leave you scared. There are some moments where the film does get slow and it can become confusing when it doesn't know where it wants to go, but when it does pick back up it keeps you on your toes. The ending of the film feels really corny and actually to put it bluntly the ending is quite stupid, but while being stupid it does hint at more of these films to come to go on another adventure with the characters. Another thing that hurts the film is the length and had the film been at least 50 minutes shorter (shaving 50 minutes off of a 146 minute runtime isn't too bad) then the film wouldn't have dragged on and it would've kept an upbeat pace to make the suspense come at you non-stop and you as an audience member would be more tense. Overall the film has a very interesting concept with a great standout performance from Dane DeHann, but the film drags on for too long, too many slow scenes that ruin tension and a pretty terrible ending make the film worse than it should've been. I give A Cure for Wellness a 5 out of 10.
So ladies and gentlemen what did you think of A Cure for Wellness, what would you rate it and what did you think of my review? Let me know in the comments section below and let your voice be heard.
Jonah Sparks
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