First off lets rundown the cast that was announced
Miles Teller- Reed Richards/Mister.Fantastic
Kate Mara- Sue Storm/The Invisible Woman
Michael B. Jordan- Johnny Storm/The Human Torch
Jamie Bell- Ben Grimm/The Thing
Alright let's start with my 3 dislikes...
1. The Young Cast- This is a major departure from what the comics have established (granted everything adapted from a comic is completely different from the comic). But in this cast the three male actors are all 27 and Kate Mara is 30. In the comics Reed Richards is a 40 year-old well-established scientist not a 27-year old hotshot out of college. The only character that was probably cast correctly was Micheal B. Jordan.
2. Johnny Storm's Race- Now I want to start off by saying that I'm ok with changing a character's race or gender as long as it is not a key characteristic to the character. With that being said, in the comics Johnny Storm is Caucasian, while Micheal B. Jordan's version of The Human Torch will be an African-American. Don't get me wrong Micheal B. Jordan is in the top 5 best actors under the age of 30 working in the business today, it's just I'm not ok with the casting of him as Johnny Storm/The Human Torch.
3. The Relationship of Johnny and Sue Storm- In the comics Johnny Storm and Sue Storm are brother and sister. However with the casting of Micheal B. Jordan and Kate Mara it's going to cause a mess in the comics continuity. They will go with two options, one being that either Johnny or Sue will be adopted (more the former than the latter) or the other option is that they will have interracial parents with say the mother as a Caucasian and the father an African -American (or vice-versa). Either way the casting of two people from two different races is going to cause a lot of problems.
Now with my 3 likes...
1. The Young Cast- Now while it is a con, it is also a pro. We have to remember that this is a reboot, and that means that it is going to be a new and fresh take on the characters and I'm always game for that.
2. The Possibilities Are Endless- With FOX looking to pretty much revamp the X-Men Franchise by introducing time-travel (in X-Men Days of Future Past and the upcoming X-Men: Apocalypse) as well as the younger versions of certain mutants (X-Men: First Class), we are looking at a possible shared universe with The X-Men and The Fantastic Four that could last for the next 15 to 20 years. Now hoe exciting could that be.
3. Josh Trank working with young talent- While Josh Trank has only directed one film (Chronicle) it was a damn good film that everyone should check out (seriously stop reading and go watch Chronicle). In the film he worked with up-and-coming actors Dane DeHann, Alex Russell and the aforementioned Micheal B. Jordan, and it's one of the best movies in the past 5 years and he did it with relatively unknown actors. Now it has been 2 years since Chronicle, I still have faith in Josh Trank working with such a talented group of actors.
Though I am a little disappointed with the casting, I'm still looking forward to the film (especially after the two piece of crap films that we got back in 2005 and 2008). The cast is very talented and they'll get to work with one of the best up-and coming directors in the business today. All I can say is that 2015 can't get here soon enough.
So ladies and gentlemen what are your thoughts on this the casting of the new Fantastic Four, what are some of your likes and dislikes and what do you think of my reasons given? Let me know in the comments section below and let your voice be heard.
Jonah Sparks
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