10. Monster's University
This film is absolutely hilarious and one of my favorite films of 2013. Long before they were lurking in closets for a living, Mike (voiced by Billy Crystal) and Sulley (voiced by John Goodman) were just two Scaring majors at Monster's University, dreaming of the day they would make children shriek in terror. when their heated competition to be the most fearsome in their class gets out of hand, Mike and Sulley find themselves ejected from the prestigious Scare Program, and they are forced to seek the help of their oddball friends in order to get their education back on track. The film is so heart-warming and it felt great to be a kid again. Monster's University looks poised to get several Academy Award nominations and it currently has a rating of 78% on rottentomatoes.com.
9. Prometheus
Eventhough director Ridley Scott says that it is not a prequel, it really is taking place in the same universe as Alien and Aliens as well as taking place before the events of the two films. Archaeologists Elizabeth Shaw (played by Noomi Rapace) and Charlie Holloway (played by Logan Marshall-Green) discover a cave drawing featuring a mysterious star pattern not found in our solar system. Upon comparing the image with similar patterns found at different archaeological digs all over the planet. They're convinced that the image is an invitation , and set out on a high tech ship called Prometheus to unlock the mysteries of mankind's origins on Earth. The crew awakens from stasis to learn that they have arrived at their destination. With highly intelligent android David (played by Michael Fassbinder) Meredith (played by Charlize and Captain Janet (played by Idris Elba). A small crew led by Elizabeth and Charlie explore the remote planet, they find artifacts that contradict everything mankind had been taught about its origins. The movie dos have it problems but I had a really fun time watching it. Prometheus was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Visual Effects and it has a rating of 74% on rottentomatoes.com.
8. Casino Royale
This is the film that takes place before all Bond Films in the franchise as well as introducing Daniel Craig as James Bond. James Bond has earned his "00' status by masterfully executing a pair of death-defying professional assassinations. Now assigned the task of traveling to Madagascar to spy on notorious terrorist Mollaka (played by Sebastian Foucan) for his maiden voyage as 007. Bond boldly goes against MI6 policy to launch an independent investigation that finds him traversing the Bahamas in search of Mollaka's notoriously elusive terror cell. Subsequently led into the company of the mysterious Dimitrious (played by Simon Abkarian) and his exotic girlfriend, Solange (played by Caerina Murino), Bond soon realizes that he is closer than ever to locating well-guarded terrorist financier Le Chiffre (Mads Mikkelsen), the man who personally bankrolled some of the most prevalent terrorist organizations on the planet. This film was fun and it was great to see how Bond got his start. Casino Royale has a rating of 95% on rottentomatoes.com
7. Puss In Boots
This film is not only a prequel but it is also a spin-off of the Shrek franchise. Years ago, Puss in Boots(voiced by Antonio Banderas) and Humpty Dumpty (voiced by Zach Galifianakis) were just two young orphans who dreamed of acquiring the magical beans that would lead them on an adventure into the clouds. Years later, after failing to acquire the beans, Puss is preparing to steal the magic beans from feared outlaws Jack (voiced by Billy Bob Thornton) and Jill (voiced by Amy Sedaris). I had a great time watching this film and it was so much better than the three Shrek sequels. Puss in Boots was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature and it has a rating of 83% on rottentomatoes.com.
6. The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
This film is the last of the "Dollars" Trilogy and it is one of the best prequels of all-time. the film follows Blondie as he searches for a cache of stolen gold against rivals the Bad (played by Lee Van Cleef), a ruthless bounty hunter, and Ugly (played by Eli Wallach), a Mexican bandit. Not only is a great prequel it is also one of the best westerns of all-time. The Good, The Bad and The Ugly has a rating of 97% on rottentomatoes.com.
5. Red Dragon
This film is a prequel to Silence of the Lambs and Hannibal. 3 years after retiring from the FBI because of a near-fatal encounter with Hannibal Lecter, who was helping him catch the "Chesapeake Ripper", only to reveal it was Hannibal himself, Will Graham (played by Edward Norton) is asked by his ex-partner Jack Crawford (played by Harvey Keitel) to come solve on last case. They have three weeks to solve the case 92 slaughtered families every full moon). They have 3 weeks until the next full moon to find the madman. Graham must risk his family's secruity and his own safety to track down this one last murderer. I thought the film was action packed and it was very entertaining. Red Dragon has a rating of 69% on rottentomatoes.com.
4. X-Men: First Class
This film is absolutely amazing and it is one of the best superhero films of all-time. The film follows two former allies in Charles Xavier (played by Jame McAvoy) and Erik Lehnsherr a.k.a Magneto (played by Michael Fassbinder) as they lead a powerful team of mutants on a mission to save the planet from nuclear annihilation. As the Doomsday clock ticks faster toward midnight, the time comes to take action. Realizing they could use their unique powers to avert a global thermonuclear war during the Bay of Pigs crisis, the two powerful mutants launch an intense recruitment campaign with the support of Dr. Moira MacTaggert (played by Rose Byrne) and the CIA. Before long, Charles and Erik have assembled a team that includes Mystique (played by Jennifer Lawrence), Beast (played by Nicholas Hoult), Havok (Lucas Till), and Darwin (played Edi Gathegi). Meanwhile, the malevolent Sebastian Shaw (played by Kevin Bacon) plots to plunge the world with the help of villainous mutants Riptide (played by Alex Gonzalez), Azazel (played by Jason Flemying) and Emma Frost (played by January Jones). X-Men: First Class has a rating of 88% on rottentomatoes.com.
3. Star Wars Episode 3: Revenge of The Sith
This is without a doubt the best film of the Star Wars prequel trilogy. After a fierce battle in Obi-Wan (played by Ewan McGregor) and Anakin (played by Hayden Christensen) join Republic forces to help free Chancellor Palpatine (played by Ian McDiarmid) from the evil Count Dooku (played by Christopher Lee) and his minions, Anakin is drawn into Palpatine's confidence. Palpatine has designs on expanding his rule, and with this mind he plants seeds of doubt in Anakin's mind about the strength and wisdom of the Jedi's. Anakin is already in a quandry about how to reveal to other the news of his secret marriage to Padme Amidala (played by Natalie Portman) now that she is pregnant, and visions which fortell her death in childbirth weigh heavy on his mind. As Anakin finds himself used by both the Jedi's and the republic for their own purposes (particularly after Mace Windu (played by Samuel L. Jackson) expresses his distrust of the young Jedi) he turns more and more to Force for help, but begins to succumb to the temptations of its dark side. I remember see this film in theaters and absolutely loving it. Star Wars Episode 3: Revenge of The Sith was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Make-Up and it has a rating of 80% on rottentomatoes.com.
2. Indiana Jones and The Temple of Doom
This film is a perfect installment to the Indiana Jones Franchise and it is set a year before the events of Raiders of the Lost Ark. After a brief brouhaha involving a precious vial and wild ride down a raging Himalyan river, Indy (played by Harrison Ford) gets down to the problem at hand: retrieving a precious gem and several kidnapped young boys on behalf of a remote East Indian Village. His companions this time around include a dimbulbed, easily frightened nightclub chanteuse (played by Kate Capshaw) and a feisty 12 year-old kid name short Round (played by Quan Ke Huy). This film probably has the most humor out of any of the other Indiana Jones films. Indiana Jones and The temple of Doom was nominated for 2 Academy Awards including Best Visual Effects and Original Music Score, while winning 1 (Best Visual Effects) and it has a rating of 85% on rottentomatoes.com.
1. The Godfather Part 2
In what is considered the greatest sequel of all-time and what is also a prequel as well (due to it go back and forth between time periods), The Godfather Part 2 continues the story of Michael Corleone (played by Al Pacino) (the new Don of the Corleone crime family) trying to hold his business ventures togehter from 1958 to 1959. The prequel parts of the film are flashbacks to a younger Vito Corleone (played by Robert DeNiro), from his childhood in Sicily in 1901 to the founding of the Corleone crime family in New York City. I will admit that the film is a little over 3 hours long and for some people I can see why you might get bored or uninterested, but believe me when I say that the film needs to be that long because of the story they are telling. The Godfather Part 2 was nominated for 9 Academy Awards including Best Picture, Director, Actor, Adapted Screenplay, 3 for Supporting Actor, Supporting Actress, Costume Design, Art Direction and Music while winning 6 (Best Picture, Director, Adapted Screenplay, Supporting Actor, Art Direction and Music) and it has a rating of 98% on rottentomatoes.com.
So ladies and gentlemen what do you think of my list, what are some of your favorite prequels of all-time? let me know in the comments and let your voice be heard.
Jonah Sparks
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