So I recently watched The Disaster Artist and I'm here to bring you my review. So without further ado...

With 'The Disaster Artist,' James Franco transforms the tragicomic true-story of aspiring filmmaker and infamous Hollywood outsider Tommy Wiseau—an artist whose passion was as sincere as his methods were questionable—into a celebration of friendship, artistic expression, and dreams pursued against insurmountable odds. Based on Greg Sestero best-selling tell-all about the making of Tommy's cult-classic disasterpiece 'The Room' (“The Greatest Bad Movie Ever Made”), 'The Disaster Artist' is a hilarious and welcome reminder that there is more than one way to become a legend—and no limit to what you can achieve when you have absolutely no idea what you're doing.
This is an absolutely fantastic film and one of the best films of the year. Now before getting into the review I have read the book so a lot of the criticisms are going to come from that perspective. As for the film it's everything you would want a film to be. It has a lot of humor in the film that is only heightened if you've seen The Room and a lot of the jokes make sense. Making a film based on the behind the scenes of the making of one of the worst films of all time doesn't sound like the most aesthetically pleasing film of all-time, but this film does so much to where you actually care about these people. Tommy Wiseau is not the most pleasant human being in the world and the film doesn't shy away from how awful of a person he was on set during the making of his film and for a bio-picish film that's something you don't see a lot so kudos to the film for taking a chance and it paying off. Speaking of Tommy Wiseau, but James Franco is phenomenal in the role and if you've ever seen or heard Tommy Wiseau in interviews, Franco acts and talks just like him almost to the point where you don't know if it is Franco or Wiseau himself. James Franco defiantly deserves to be up there with the Oscar contenders right now and he might even be the frontrunner for the Best Actor Oscar. The other performances are really great too and each one of them have their own moment Not only is there humor in this film, but there are a lot sentimental moments especially at the end of the film when you see Tommy react to his first screening of The Room. The one thing you can say about this film is that it shows a man who was told it couldn't be done and kept his dream alive no matter what people told him and that is a statement we all need to take to heart. As for the massive criticisms solely based from the book to the film, there are a lot of key moments in the backstory that are really glossed over for the sake of the film and it could've been explained and added a little bit more runtime to the film. Overall this is a fun film that everyone can enjoy and you'll feel every type of emotion possible and it will make you appreciate The Room for the terrible film that it is. I give The Disaster Artist a 9.5 out of 10.
So Ladies and gentlemen what did you think of The Disaster Artist, what would you rate it and what did you thin k of my review? Let me know in the comments section below and let your voice be heard.
Jonah Sparks

With 'The Disaster Artist,' James Franco transforms the tragicomic true-story of aspiring filmmaker and infamous Hollywood outsider Tommy Wiseau—an artist whose passion was as sincere as his methods were questionable—into a celebration of friendship, artistic expression, and dreams pursued against insurmountable odds. Based on Greg Sestero best-selling tell-all about the making of Tommy's cult-classic disasterpiece 'The Room' (“The Greatest Bad Movie Ever Made”), 'The Disaster Artist' is a hilarious and welcome reminder that there is more than one way to become a legend—and no limit to what you can achieve when you have absolutely no idea what you're doing.
This is an absolutely fantastic film and one of the best films of the year. Now before getting into the review I have read the book so a lot of the criticisms are going to come from that perspective. As for the film it's everything you would want a film to be. It has a lot of humor in the film that is only heightened if you've seen The Room and a lot of the jokes make sense. Making a film based on the behind the scenes of the making of one of the worst films of all time doesn't sound like the most aesthetically pleasing film of all-time, but this film does so much to where you actually care about these people. Tommy Wiseau is not the most pleasant human being in the world and the film doesn't shy away from how awful of a person he was on set during the making of his film and for a bio-picish film that's something you don't see a lot so kudos to the film for taking a chance and it paying off. Speaking of Tommy Wiseau, but James Franco is phenomenal in the role and if you've ever seen or heard Tommy Wiseau in interviews, Franco acts and talks just like him almost to the point where you don't know if it is Franco or Wiseau himself. James Franco defiantly deserves to be up there with the Oscar contenders right now and he might even be the frontrunner for the Best Actor Oscar. The other performances are really great too and each one of them have their own moment Not only is there humor in this film, but there are a lot sentimental moments especially at the end of the film when you see Tommy react to his first screening of The Room. The one thing you can say about this film is that it shows a man who was told it couldn't be done and kept his dream alive no matter what people told him and that is a statement we all need to take to heart. As for the massive criticisms solely based from the book to the film, there are a lot of key moments in the backstory that are really glossed over for the sake of the film and it could've been explained and added a little bit more runtime to the film. Overall this is a fun film that everyone can enjoy and you'll feel every type of emotion possible and it will make you appreciate The Room for the terrible film that it is. I give The Disaster Artist a 9.5 out of 10.
So Ladies and gentlemen what did you think of The Disaster Artist, what would you rate it and what did you thin k of my review? Let me know in the comments section below and let your voice be heard.
Jonah Sparks
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