Popular San Diego newsman Ron Burgundy (played by Will Ferrell) is raising the stakes with co-host Veronica (played by Christina Applegate), his intrepid reporter Brian Fantana (played by Paul Rudd), over enthusiastic sports reporter Champ Kind (played by David Koechner), and imbecilic weatherman Brick Tamland (played by Steve Carell) in order to to move to New York City and launch the first ever 24-hour news network.
This film is absolutely hilarious and it is the funniest film I've seen all year. Eventhough the film is not as quotable as the first film, from the opening scene to end of the film your are constantly laughing even in moments when the film actually tries to be serious. Some of the jokes are repeated from the first film and some fall flat, but when a joke falls flat another one comes in and you begin to laugh again. There is no plot whatsoever and there are cameos galore that will make piss your pants laughing. The teamwork of Director Adam McKay (also directed and wrote the fist film) and Will Ferrell (also writer on both films) is magnificent and it really shows. The main problem with the film besides the flat jokes, is that there is a lull in the film from about the midway point to about he last 20 minutes of the film. But overall I laughed alot and I had a really good time and is just a little bit better than the first but not by much so I'm going to give it a 9 out of 10.
So ladies and gentlemen what did you think of Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues, what would you rate it and what did you think of my review? Let me know in the comments below and let your voice be heard.
Jonah Sparks
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